Chapter One

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“You’ll fit in fine, Kimmy.”

I rolled my eyes “Mum, I told you not to call me that. And how am I going to fit it? I can almost guarantee I’ll be the only one there with an English accent.”

“And? Accents don’t matter; it’s your personality that counts.”

My mum obviously had no idea what being a teenager was like. Even if she had been one first (Which I found very hard to imagine. My mum was one of those people that seemed to have been born middle-aged). Eh. Times change, I guess.

“Anyway, get on with it. It’ll be over before you know it.”

She obviously had no idea what first days were like, either. Especially first days in completely different countries. In the short time I’d spent in Oklahoma I’d realised it was entirely different to the years I’d spent in the busy town I’d grown up in, back in England.
But, she wasn’t budging until I went in so I heaved myself out of her beat-up car that had somehow managed to move with us, and walked over to the entrance of my new high school, Stillwater High. I was about to start my junior year.

Walking through the main entrance I was slightly surprised to see that there was no-one around. Well, that was until someone literally ran into me...

"Uh, sorry... I didn't see you..." Said the person, whom I found to be really, really tall when I turned around. He had curly-ish brown hair that hung slightly in front of his eyes. Let me tell you, they were some eyes. They were possibly the blue-est eyes I'd ever seen.

"It's OK.." I said, offering a small smile which he returned, full blast

"You're English? Awesome! I'm Tyson, but everyone calls me Ty." He said, holding out his hand for me to shake

"Kim." I said, taking his hand. It was warm, unlike my hands, which seemed to be permanently freezing.

He grinned at me again. "Are you new here?"


"I knew I hadn't seen you around before! What lesson do you have?"

"Uh... I don't know.. I don't have my timetable yet..."

"Follow me," Said Tyson, beckoning me forward

"Aren't you going to be late?"

"Already am," He shrugged "Besides, I have music. Music teachers love me."

Fallin' Apart (A Tyson Ritter Fan-fiction) [On Hiatus]Where stories live. Discover now