✨Part 3✨

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Chan's POV:

Felix, I'm coming in.

I gently try to push open the door, aka the wooden barrier that was separating me and my Felix. Of course, just to my luck it's locked.

No Chan, you can't come in, it's not safe for you or Felix. He's in a really bad way right now. Was that Woojin's voice? Were they all in there with Felix? I can't have that now can I? I think all of these things before replying in the most gentle voice I can muster, even though I am becoming more and more agitated by the second at the fact that the door has not opened yet.
I'm not going to hurt him you guys. You know me, you can trust me. I just want -no, need to see him, and I think that he needs to see me as well.

Through the door, I can hear Felix crying and fidgeting around, he needs me I know it, the others just won't let me in. There's some arguing in the room, and then very slowly, the door creaks open revealing Woojin's face.
You'd better not hurt him.
He's giving me evil looks now, oh well. I push my way through the small crease in the doorway and finally see a flushed Felix, stripped down to a vest and underwear to cool him down, being held against the bed by Seungmin and Jisung stroking his forehead and arms.

I climb up onto his bed and just hold him tightly in my arms. He clings onto me, nuzzling his head into the crook of my neck.
It's okay Lixie, I'm here for you now. Whenever you're struggling, come and find me yeah. I'm never gonna leave you behind.
(I'm sorry, I'm crying as well.)

I hear shuffling and whispering from all around us, and then Seungmin finally speaks up. Okay, well we're going to leave you two alone now, but we're going to stay close by. And Felix, if you need us for ANYTHING, don't hesitate to call for us. We both nod in agreement, and then he whispers to me. You'd better not hurt him Chan....
And with that, hey all leave us; alone in each other's grasps.

Within a few minutes, Felix had fallen asleep but I've noticed that he is still heating up with every second that is going by, so I decide to get up and get him a cold flannel from the bathroom that is connected to his bedroom. Whilst I'm dampening the flannel underneath the tap, I feel a small pair of arms wrap gently around my body and a large amount of body heat suddenly surround me. I turn around to see Felix trying to nuzzle himself into me. Channieeeeeeee he whines. It hurtssss. I gently pick him up from around his slender waist, and he immediately latches his legs around me, allowing me to carry him back to our bed, so that I can lay him down and place the cool flannel on his forehead to try and ease his pain, even if it is just a little bit.

I know it hurts baby, but I promise that you'll feel better soon. I soothingly whisper into his ear, as I stroke his head. Everything in me is trying my best to not mark Felix right now, as he lays next to me, a whimpering mess, calling out for me. I couldn't do that to him while he's in this state though.... could I? No. I promised the others that I wouldn't. I have to prove that I can be trusted around Felix when he's on his heat, so that I can help him in the future.
And wait, did I just call him baby? Oh shit. I didn't mean to do that. Hopefully he didn't hear me say that, it would just make him feel worse.

I'm mid-thought, when Felix decided to interrupt me. Channie, call me baby again. I like it.. he moans as he clings onto me, starting to kiss his way round my neck. No Lixie, we can't do this, not now. I try and push him off of me a little bit, but he won't budge an inch.
Why not Channie, I want toooo. He's climbed so he's fully on top of me now, straddling my thighs, and rocking back and forth with a glint in his eyes, like a child who really wants a new toy.
I promised the others that I wouldn't Felix, that's why. And if they don't think that they can trust me, then I will have to leave you alone and we don't want that, do we now?
I think that he can hear in my voice, that I'm really trying my hardest not to succumb to his pleading and moaning, so he just lays down on top of me and sighs.

Through the door, I can hear the others mumbling again. Then the door is opened very slowly, revealing a guilty looking Woojin. You know, I think we were a little bit harsh on you earlier Chan. If Felix really feels that he needs you, then we think that you should just help him in any way that you need to.

We give you our permission to mark Felix, but only if he wants you to.
With those words, Felix stares up at me again, and makes no effort, to begin attacking my neck with his lips.

Hey guys, I hope that you enjoyed that, the next chapter is going to have some let's call it 'mature content' in it 😏😏, so you know, be prepared for that.
But anyways, thank you for reading this chapter, and I hope that you will look forward to the next one.

Euphoria || ChanlixOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora