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We forewent the usual after prom festivities that night. The emotions of the night had left us both starving, so we went in search of a late night meal. I suggested the Huddle House, which he had never eaten at. Who in the world has not eaten at a Huddle House?

People born with a silver spoon in their mouths I reasoned with myself. Insisting that it was greasy, oniony, cheesy goodness, he finally relented. When we pulled up and he peered inside, he looked at me like I was crazy. After a little more convincing, he ultimately agreed to give it a try.

We were quite the spectacle in our full Prom gear sitting in the back booth at the Huddle House. He did enjoy playing songs on the Jukebox, he had never really seen one of those before. I guess the Country Club didn't exactly offer Elvis records on a neon Juke Box. Afterward, he had to admit that it really did hit the spot.

"Just another one of our firsts," I reminded him.

He couldn't wait to get back to his new apartment and give me the grand tour. It was on the smaller side but everything in it was high end. The entire space consisted of an open kitchen and living room combo with one bedroom and bathroom.

The best part, of course, was that it sat directly on the beach. It was so cozy and intimate that you couldn't help but fall in love with it.

There wasn't much there, he had really only moved in his clothes. Even the kitchen cabinets were bare. I supposed that eating out had quickly become a lifestyle for him since he didn't have his mom or a maid to cook for him any longer.

It was strange that even in it's sparsely supplied condition, it felt like a perfect little haven. The balcony was amazing with the ocean air and crashing waves in the distance. We sat out there for a long time with me leaning against the balcony and him wrapped around me, just taking in the sights and sounds.

Around 2 am we realized that the emotional turmoil of the night had really taken its toll and it was time to head to bed. It didn't take long to realize that making a last minute decision to go home with Jake had left me without any clothes of my own.

I had no choice but to ask him for something to wear to bed and after rifling through some boxes, he tossed me a big, comfy t-shirt. When I came out of the bathroom wearing his t-shirt and barely anything else he looked at me with longing eyes. The desire behind them was equal parts exciting and frightening. It was the look that a hungry lion gives its prey. He looked me up and down and then back up again. He wasted no time telling me how he was feeling. 

"Damn Sky, you are making it awful hard for me to keep my promise. How am I supposed to sleep next to you looking like that?"

I knew right then and there that we had an intense night ahead of us. We both wanted each other as we had never wanted anything before, but for reasons all his own, Jake insisted on protecting my virtue. We would have to be strong for each other.

I climbed into bed, pulling the covers up tight, waiting for Jake to get done showering. When he emerged from the bathroom, wearing only boxers, my eyes could not help but soak in every bit of him.

His physique was perfect, every ab muscle perfectly chiseled, his olive skin tone the perfect shade, giving off a warm glow. At the bottom of his abs, the V muscles peaked out of his boxers. How could anyone actually look that perfect? I nearly died from embarrassment when he caught me gawking at his perfectly toned body.

"Do you like what you see?" he questioned, raising an eyebrow and shooting me that adorable crooked smile of his.

"The view is pretty nice," I had to admit.

"You are not making this any easier Sky," he honestly admitted, turning off the bedside lamp and climbing into bed to snuggle in behind me. As he climbed over me I was overwhelmed by his intoxicating smell, how could he possibly make me weak just by his smell alone?

I felt Jakes arm wrap around my waist as he pulled me closer to him. The feel of his skin on mine was paralyzing, sending shivers down my spine. 

He must have felt my nervousness because he gently rubbed his fingers up and down my arm to soothe me. He always knew exactly what I needed, I was growing more relaxed by the second. We lay there, soaking in what we had both missed so desperately, each other.

Jake finally broke the silence, "Sky, I told the world how I feel about you tonight but I am still wondering how you feel."

I could not believe what my ears were hearing. I reached up and turned the lamp back on, sitting up on my knees so that I could face him. He sat up as well, recognizing that whatever I was about to say was important.

"Jake, are you actually asking me if I am in love with you?"

Looking down nervously he replied, "Well, you haven't exactly said the words." I was astonished, how could he even question my feelings for him?

"You are being crazy, how could you doubt how I feel about you, Jake?"

He looked at me so sincerely, letting out a long sigh he replied, "I NEED to hear you say it."

Okay, I thought to myself, if he is having any doubts, then it is my duty to put them to rest. I would not let this amazing guy, who had given so much of himself for me doubt, even for a second my love for him. Taking his face into both of my hands so that I could have his full attention, I began speaking to him softly.

"Jake, I have been in love with you since that day you pulled me onto that side street in St. Augustine and kissed me senseless. I love how you are always a gentleman, even though I can literally feel your excitement when you are next to me. I love that you gave up a million dollars for me, and football of course. And at this moment, I am 100% in love with you. I love you with every piece of my heart."

When I was done with my little speech, I grabbed his hand and placed it over my heart, my heart was beating so fast it felt like it might leap out of my chest at any moment.

"This is what you do to me, every single time I am around you," I explained. I had done all that I could to make him understand my true feelings for him.

Jake answered in true Jake fashion, "Well, let's see if we can make it beat a little faster."

And then he grabbed me and kissed me senseless again until I felt like I couldn't even think straight any longer. He not only kissed my lips but my neck, he knew what that did to me and I knew he was trying to drive me to the brink of insanity.

If that was truly his goal, he was being extremely successful at his mission. When he finally pulled away, I was literally breathless.

He looked into my eyes and said, "I will never get enough of you."

And then he grabbed his pillow and pulled himself out of the bed. Not ready to let him go, I held onto him, pulling him back with all of my might.

"Hey mister, where are you going, I am not done with you yet."  I needed him to stay with me, I was desperate to have him next to me as I drifted off to sleep.

He shot me a crooked smile, using his pillow to cover himself, "Sweetheart, if I stay here a second longer, I am not going to be able to stop myself from doing things to you that you are not ready for. If you want me to keep that gentlemen status you are so fond of, I have to put some distance between your body and mine."

The thought of him going to the other room and leaving me, literally made my body ache, didn't he know how much I needed him? I wasn't going down without a fight. I slipped the edge of the t-shirt off of my shoulder, giving him my best pouty face.

"You wouldn't leave me all alone in this big, cold bed would you?"

He shot me a look that I can only describe as a warning, "Fight fair Sky, I am only human."



Well, I think Jake deserved the saint award, waht do you guys think? I hope you liked this chapter and if you did please be so kind as to vote.

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