Chapter 6 - Trapped

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Author's Note: I know I said this chapter would be long. Well, my original plan was to write each individual day out before saying 'screw that'. so here ya go.


"We're snowed in."

The room began to buzz with questions: "What will we do?" "How long will we be stuck inside?" "What if the snow doesn't melt for another month?" Alfred gently placed his hands over his swollen tummy; the baby was due to come out soon, what if he went into labor while they were snowed in? How would the baby even come out? Would he be forced to do a C-section? How was he going to explain the baby? What if-

"America?" Matthew snapped his fingers in front of his brothers face. "America. America!" Alfred snapped back into reality. "Wha-huh?"

"Are you alright? You zoned out.." Matthew lowered his already soft voice, barely audible in the loud room. "Is it because know what?" He asked, his eyes glancing towards Alfred's stomach, to which Alfred gave a slight nod. "This baby will be the death of me, I swear..," he muttered softly.

~Ivan's POV~

Ivan, ignoring the panicked voices of the Europeans in the room, couldn't help but wonder what Matthew and Alfred could be talking about. Whatever it was, it most definitely wasn't about the sudden snowstorm outside. Ivan read their lips the best that he could. Perhaps he wasn't as good as he thought, there's no way Alfred just said the word 'baby'. Was there?

Looking back, Alfred had been acting strange since the meeting began. No obnoxious laughter, or declaring he was the hero. Not only that, but the American's hand was practically glued to his stomach. Ivan's mind raced back to that day, roughly nine months ago, when he awoke to find Alfred in his bed, both men nude. No, there's no way-- well, there was a lot of alcohol at that party...

Ivan looked closer at the man sitting across from him. Upon closer inspection, there truly was something there under Alfred's hoodie. How had he not noticed it before? "это ребенок ... мой ребенок..."

~Alfred's POV~

Alfred looked over at Ivan, who was just staring at him. Or rather, staring at his stomach. "What the hell are you looking at, commie?" he asked, not sure if he even wanted to know. He didn't trust that look on Ivan's face.

Ivan just smiled. "Oh, nothing~" Alfred grit his teeth; After all that bullshit he went through these past months, he wasn't in the mood for any games. "What do you want, Russia?" Alfred was surprised, to say the least, when Ivan stood up, walked up to him and whispered in his ear "I know about the baby." His eyes widened as he cleared his throat softly. "I have no idea what you're talking about, Russia. There's no baby, there never was. I mean, it's not like a guy could be pregnant. That's ridiculous!"

Ivan smirked. "I never said anything about a man being pregnant. All I mentioned was a baby." Alfred flinched when Ivan placed a hand over his swollen tummy. "When's the baby due? You're just about ready to pop!" Alfred pushed the Russian away, glaring. "There is no baby. And even if there was, why should I tell you? I wouldn't let you see the child or let the child even know you're the other parent." He spat in Ivan's face. "I'll stop at nothing to keep this child safe, and I'll stop at nothing to keep you away from him or her." Before Ivan could retaliate, Matthew stepped in between them and dragged his brother away.

"America, stop," Matthew ordered, in possibly the least intimidating way possible. "Starting a fight with Russia is going to help nobody. There are bigger problems, like the fact that we're snowed in for who knows how long." Alfred sighed softly. "I know, Canada, but he just...pisses me off! How the hell did he find out? For nine months I kept this a secret from everyone except you and suddenly he just knows?"

"Look, I don't know how he found out," Matthew started, "but what I do know is that the sooner we can get out of here, the better.

Alfred sighed. "You're right. We just have to wait until the snow melts. It can't take that long, right?"


The snow hadn't melted, either at all or quickly enough that the nations could leave. It was hard to tell when you couldn't even open the door to check and the windows were still covered with it. Ludwig tried to keep track of how long they were trapped inside by marking each day with a tally, but even he began to lose track after the fifth day inside. Alfred could assume they had been stuck inside maybe a week and a half.

Everyone was tired, and cold, and hungry. But I'm sure you're not here to read about cold and miserable nations. Nah, Y'all want baby drama.

Alfred was in absolute hell during the time stuck inside. If it wasn't Ivan suddenly becoming all touchy-feely towards his stomach, or Matthew following him like a lost puppy, it was the baby tossing and turning. This child was ready to come out, whether Alfred was ready or not.

In his best attempt to keep track of what day it was, he could only assume it was three days after the new year when his troubles truly began. Making his way towards the bathroom after a sudden need to piss again, Matthew in tow again, he suddenly doubled over in pain, unlike anything he'd felt before. "F-fuck..!"

Matthew's eyes widened. "America? Are you alright?"

"No, I'm not fucking alright!" he snapped, a rush of liquid flowing down his pant leg (and no, it's not pee). "Just, shut up and help me g-get to the bathroom..."

"The bathroom? Why?"

"The baby's coming..."


A.N. Chapter 6 is finally up! I'd like to thank everyone who suggested names for the baby and will be announcing the winning name in the next chapter.


"это ребенок ... мой ребенок..." - 'It's a child..." in Russian. (special thanks to @-_kitten-skulls_- for the correct translation of that phrase.

Ivan apparently can read lips and Alfred gets really snappy when going into labor. And also when touched or followed. Ivan is only touchy-feely because of the baby. That's his baby and no one will deny him access to him or her. Except maybe Momma Alfred.

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