Chapter 9 - The Truth comes out

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That's when Matthew burst through the door, out of breath. He turned towards his brother and managed to blurt out, "Russia's on his way. He told the others you have a kid."

That can't be good.


Alfred felt his blood run cold, eyes wide with fear and panic. "What do we do?!"

"Well, for starters, you should put your pants back on." Francis pointed out. "It'll be easier to explain that you have a baby than to explain why you're pantsless. After that... well, I don't know what we'll tell them..."

"How will just saying that I randomly have a kid be easier than explaining why I don't have pants? In what world does that make sense?"

"Well, when Britain, Finland and I first met you, as far as we knew you just popped out of the ground like a daisy," Francis explained. "None of us questioned it, for some reason..." The tone in his voice implied he was questioning his life up to that moment.

Alfred handed his brother the baby before reaching for his pants. Luckily just as he pulled them up, that's when Ivan opened the door, the other nations in tow. "See? I told you he had a child." He pointed to Alfred, who was reaching for his daughter. Ivan's nose had begun to swell, and there was bruising around his eyes.

'Damn, I must have kicked him harder than I thought...' Alfred thought to himself.

Arthur managed to squeeze past Ivan and saw the bundle in Matthew's arms for himself. "He... He's right, there is a baby. Where did it come from?

Alfred took the still crying baby from Matthew. "I... I don't know," he lied. "I just... found her. And, she won't stop crying. I think she's hungry, but I don't have anything to give her." That part was true, to say the least. Until they could leave the building, everyone, including Anna, would have to go without food for who knows how long.

Feliciano pushed his way inside the room, his eyes open and filled with concern. "Poor bambina!" The others pushed past Ivan, either shocked about the new arrival or concerned about her well-being

Ivan clenched his teeth. "So, no one is going to question that America is now a father?"

Arthur looked over at his former colony. "He is young to be a father, but he seems to know what he's doing, to some extent. Besides," he turned to Ivan, "if not America, who else would take care of her?"

"I would." Ivan glared at Alfred, who was ignoring him but listening to every word. "I would take care of her. She's my daughter as well." Alfred's head shot up at that last bit, and Ivan just stared directly into his eyes. "Oh, I guess you weren't supposed to know about that."

It was now Alfred's turn to grit his teeth. "Russia, shut your mouth."

"No, hold on." Ludwig stepped in, standing directly between the two Superpowers before things turned ugly. "What does he mean, 'my daughter as well'? That's not possible, not with only two men."

"Russia, don't say another word," Alfred pleaded. Ivan ignored him.

"As impossible as it sounds, America was actually pregnant with my child." Ivan walked past Ludwig, his gaze set on Anna. "And that little girl is my daughter. And she's coming home, with me."

"Like hell, she will!" Matthew butt in, startling everyone in the room. He stood before Ivan, blocking his path "You haven't done a thing for the baby, except try to snatch her from America when he told you 'no'. That and you kept trying to touch his stomach every chance you got. Really creepy, if you ask me."

Ivan clenched his teeth and shoved past Matthew, nearly knocking him to the floor. "Mind your own business. This is between me and America." The room was strangely silent, especially for countries that are often at each other's throats (*coughBritainandFrancecough*).

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