Chapter 8 - Happy(?) Fathers Day

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Both teens stiffened when the door opened slowly, the silhouette of a certain Russian man visible to them.

Perhaps they should have made sure the door was actually locked...


Alfred felt his blood run ice cold as Ivan stepped inside the room. He held his daughter close, ignoring the agonizing pain in his lower body. "What are you doing here, Rus... Soviet Union?" Ivan eyed the little bundle in Alfred's arms and just chuckled.

"Perhaps it's time for a new name." He walked closer towards Alfred and knelt down, gently pulling the towel away from his daughters face so he could get a better look at the sleeping newborn. "I think 'papa' has a nice ring to it," he chuckled softly, looking Alfred in the eyes. "Wouldn't you agree, America?"

Alfred grit his teeth. "You are not her 'papa'." He slapped his hand away. "I will personally make sure you are nothing but a stranger to her." Ivan, in response, just chuckled softly. Alfred didn't like it.

"You may be fine lying to yourself, but it won't change anything." he stood up, looking down at the younger nation. "Nothing will change the fact a little piece of me just came out of you."

Francis, in the background, only now started to listen to what was being said. "Hold on, the child that has possibly mentally scarred me for the rest of my days is his as well?" he questioned, a little less horrified and more like he solved the major plot twist of a series. Alfred just sighed and nodded. The Frenchman just shrugged.

"Figures. After all, nine months after your drunken night of fun, it would make sense for a child to be an end result. Course, not expected from two men, but nonetheless." He reached into his pocket, cursing softly about needing a pack of smokes. "It also explains why Canada would take America's place in the meetings."

"You knew?" Matthew and Alfred asked in unison.

"Of course I knew. Unlike Mr. Catapillar Eyebrows, I can tell you two apart." The sass is strong with this one. "I just assumed it was to keep America and Russia separated so that no one ended up with a broken arm or rib or something, not to keep a secret love child hidden from the rest of the world. Oh well, c'est la vie."

"Anyway!" Ivan interrupted, a bit annoyed. "Can't we all just agree that the child is mine?" He had a scowl on his face. He wouldn't take 'no' as an answer. Unfortunately...

"Absolutely not..!" It'll be the answer he gets. "She is mine! You haven't done a thing for her for the past nine months! I was the one who was pregnant, I was the one who did everything he could to make sure she had everything she would need, I was the one who was in labor trying to bring her into this world!" Alfred spat. "And do not ask how she came out. Neither I nor France want to answer that..."

Ivan clenched his fists. "Give her to me!" He tried to grab his daughter, and instead received a sharp pain in and around his nose and being knocked onto the floor. In a panic, Alfred had kicked him square in the nose. Ivan put his hand over it, ears ringing as blood oozed onto his hand. "Ow..."

Anna began to cry, bringing everything to a grinding halt. "No, don't cry, don't cry," Alfred cooed softly. "It's okay. I won't let the bad man get you," he promised, placing a soft kiss on the baby's forehead. 

Next thing he heard was the door slam, Ivan nowhere in sight. Anna opened her eyes, looking up at her father. She grabbed his finger with her tiny hand, causing him to flash that great American smile. "That's right. Daddy's got you." Unfortunately, this adorable moment had to be ruined by one thing: 


Anna began to fuss again, and Alfred wasn't sure what to do. He couldn't breastfeed, and with no other way of feeding her, Anna would have to go hungry. It broke his heart, being helpless to provide her with what she needed, but there wasn't much he could do...

Matthew stood up, mumbling about "Going to see what Russia was up to," then left, leaving Alfred alone with Francis, who cleared his throat awkwardly.

"So... the entire time you were pregnant, you didn't tell anyone, except Canada. Why?" He sat next to Alfred, who just sighed.

"I don't know. I guess... I guess I thought everyone would judge me or would use the baby against me. And I was still in shock about the whole thing. I didn't like the thought of the baby being caught in this situation; me and Russia fighting all the time, it would be tough for a little kid to deal with." He turned towards the older nation. "It made me think about when you and Britain would fight all the time. Yes, Britain was, or rather is considered my older brother, and you were sort of a father figure to me whenever he was gone. I didn't like seeing you two fight, and neither did Canada." He sighed softly, his gaze drifting back towards his still fussy daughter. "I didn't want to put Anna in that situation, but I guess it can't be helped."

Seeing the usually childish nation be mature made Francis understand just how serious this was to him. He wrapped an arm around Alfred and pulled him close. "Well, there isn't much we can do about that now. And if you ever need help with taking care of the baby, just let me know," he said with a smile.

Alfred smiled back. "Thank you. I'm sure I'll need a lot of help."

That's when Matthew burst through the door, out of breath. He turned towards his brother and managed to blurt out, "Russia's on his way. He told the others you have a kid."

That can't be good.


This ended up being posted a day later than I originally planned but oh well!

Translations: c'est la vie - French, "That's life"

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