Chapter 25

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One of the important days of their school year had finally arrived. Today was the deadline to submit university applications. The first, important step to achieve both of their goals.

Nora had gotten up two hours before her alarm was due to set off. She found herself so restless that out of the blue, she decided to go for a run. After the first three minutes, she was content with a brisk walk. She was good at many things, but sports were not her thing no matter how much she forced herself.

At school, Rafe looked unusually restless too. They took a seat next to each other at the computer lab and looked at their screens.

"Are you ready for this?" she asked.

"I am, sensei."

"God, you really enjoy calling me that."

"It has a ring to it. And it's kind of cool," said Rafe.

"You're a dork."

"That's what you made me into. A nerdy, studious dork," he replied. "With your stupid pencil cases and bananas."

Nora stuck out her tongue at him, her eyes never leaving the application's website.

"This is it," she said. After re-reading everything for a thousandth time, with a sigh, she pressed 'Submit' and sent off the application. She'd done it. Everything else was now up to fate. Four out of the five universities she picked were in London. All the predicted grades, teachers' reports, all the hours logged for extracurricular activities and recommendations from her temp jobs were uploaded online. The personal statement she has been writing and editing throughout the year was submitted. All of this to stand out from the sea of equally hopeful and clever students trying to get a place at a top university.

"Cazzo you're making me nervous," he said. His leg was bouncing, and he ran his hand through his hair aggressively.

"Hurry and click it already, I've submitted mine. Now you're the one making me all nervous," she snapped, glaring at him and his screen. "Just get on with it before you accidentally delete it or something."

"Shit I can't change anything once I submit it," he said, re-reading the application like a maniac.

"Rafe, you've done more than enough. There's nothing you can change now."

With a heavy sigh, he clicked the mouse. A message appeared on his screen with his ID number and confirmation.

"The actual offers will come through by letter to the Headmaster. Miss McGrath will then hand them out to us."

"When will we have the results?"

"Tenth of May." She switched off her computer.

"We have a game that day," Rafe muttered. "Last one of the season."

The bell for lunch had rung, and after a moment, Rafe's usual crowd, except Luke, walked in, asking him to come to lunch.

"We're going out to get food at Chengs. Are you coming?" One of his teammates, Nick, asked.

"Yeah, coming, as long as you're paying. Nora, wanna come? Nick's paying," Rafe asked, ignoring Nick's protests. 

She gave him a tight smile. "No. Thanks."

"You guys go ahead, I will catch up."

Nora didn't miss the confused exchange of looks between Hazel, Jack, and Nick.

Rafe turned to her. "Why don't you want to hang out with us for once? They're a fun bunch once you get to know them."

"Rafe, I've been going to school with them longer than you have. I think I know better what kind of bunch they are."

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