Chapter 30

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He led her down the stairs. It was unusual to see her in heels, she was so confident in them.

As they walked downstairs, the dance floor was crammed with people. There was barely any room to walk. Rafe took her by the hand and guided her through the crowd, making sure she wasn't squashed or shoved. One guy bumped hard into Norah. Glaring at the culprit, he wrapped a protective arm around her. After a couple of drinks, old habits like itching for  fight kicked it, and he pushed down the urge and checked his temper. Emile told him to grow the fuck up and that's exactly what he came to Berk to do. Walking so close to her, he could feel her silky hair brush against his arm. Her presence calmed him as he inhaled her scent.

Would he look desperate if he just turned her around and kissed her? Probably. Plus she looked like she was in a foul mood, she might slap him for good measure.

There was a crowd outside the club; most were out for a cigarette break. There were unfinished drinks and empty glasses on the floor. Rafe led Norah away from prying eyes as they walked a few meters away from the club. He swayed slightly, that last shot of tequila kicking in.

"Don't get into trouble," she cautioned in her teacher mode. He smirked and pulled her close by the waist.

"Worried for me?" He asked quietly. She began to do up the buttons on his coat. "Always."

Rafe couldn't get enough of her. Her lips looked so kissable. Those dark eyes that usually glared back had kindness buried deep beneath them. He loved everything about her. The way she got worried by biting her lip or sucked on the tip of her thumb when she was reading. The way her eyes sparkled when she was talking about her favourite novel. The way her long skirt would sway around her perky butt and the way her long hair always shone like silk.

He held her tight and leaned in for a kiss. Her two cold, soft fingers met his lips. His heart dropped.

"Rafe, I can't. I'm sorry," she whimpered, running the back of her hand across his cheek.

"Why? You were keen in the club. What changed?"

"I know, would've been a mistake." Rafe tore his eyes away from her lips and looked into her eyes, desperately trying to see what she was thinking. What was she feeling? This girl was a fucking enigma.

"Don't tell me you felt nothing for me."

She gave him a shy smile. "I thought I could not fall in love with you."

"What moron told you that?" He asked, knowing perfectly well it was him.

"You did," she said with a chuckle. "Remember? In the library when we were establishing rules."

He groaned. But how would he have known this cute little nerd would worm her way into his heart? He assumed she would be one of those shy, awkward girls who never had attention from guys and would become obsessed with him.

"I was an idiot back then," he said. "You can't tell me I haven't changed a little. And you do like me." He flashed her a haughty smile.

"You're a little too busy for me at the moment."

His smile dropped. "What do you mean?"

"Well, there's Maria, then there's Amy, then there's Hazel. And about half a dozen other girls who I prefer not to know about."

"I'm not dating them. You know I had broken up with her. And Hazel? That was just a couple of drunken kisses at a house party. I was having a difficult time here in the beginning, remember? I was getting so drunk I could've made out with my shoe and not known the difference. Honestly," he said with a smile, giving her a light squeeze. He liked the feel of her petite frame in his arms. Having her so close to him sent a jolt to his nether regions, and he tried his best to keep his mind out of R-rated thoughts.

"Isn't that what you're doing with me now? Coming out here for another drunken kiss? Just with a girl who is so good at being immune to your charms?"

"Dio. You're not immune to my charms," he said. "And I think you're just coming up with excuses not to like me."

Norah frowned and pushed away slightly from him. He didn't want to let go. "Rafe, I will not join the list of girls who entertain you whilst you're here. I'm happy and content being your friend and tutor. Let's not ruin what we have. If you have some...urges, there's plenty of girls inside."

He let out a frustrated sigh. "Jesus. Norah, I don't want you for one night. Or one party. I want you to be my girlfriend."

She looked surprised and took a moment to gather her thoughts. "I'm not ready for a relationship at this point. We have exams coming up soon..."

"Cazzo. Is that all that matters? Can't you stop thinking about school for once in your life?"

"No. My academic success is the only thing that's important to me right now."

"You're lying. You're scared of being with me. Why?"

"Because you play with girls' hearts. I won't let you do that to me. Why can't we just be as we are now?"

"Because I like you and I want you. I don't want you as my friend. Or a tutor. I will not hurt you! You know me."

"You're drunk," she murmured and looked past him. "Benny!" She shouted, waving her arm for him to come over.

The anger inside him was laced with hurt. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he wished it were him going back to Norah's instead of Benny. Benny climbed into the car with a quick worried wave.

"Thanks for the party, Rafe," Benny said, looking more awkward than ever inside the tiny car "Er, I'll wait inside Norah."

Frustration was building up inside his chest. He was laying down all the cards. He was exposing his feelings in what he thought was romantic prose, but Norah brushed him off as if he was an annoying kid in the store asking for a toy, and she was the exasperated mum who promised she'd buy it for him next time. He was literally clinging onto her.

"So you're seriously just going to leave? Just like that? What the hell happened upstairs?"

"Nothing that concerns you, Rafe."

"Do you have something going on with William? You might as well just tell me, so I don't make an idiot of myself. God knows I already am."

"Rafe, nothing is going on with William. And what you and I have, it's good enough, for me at least. Don't ask me for more because I don't know if I'm capable of that."

"You are. You're just...running away. As always. You like running from problems," the last part just jumped out of him, and he regretted his words as soon as they left his mouth. It was the tequila talking now. It was a low blow.

If it hurt her, she didn't show. She came up to land a quick peck on his cheek and whispered,

"I'm sorry. I'll see you in school."

His heart sinking and his mood dampening, he watched her get into he cab and speed away into the pitch darkness. He kicked a pebble on the road and swore.

The last time he'd earnestly professed his love was to a girl in first grade. But she was so uncomfortable and embarrassed at his unexpected outburst of emotion that she threw a box of crayons at him and ran away crying.

And out of the two romantic declarations in this life, this was far worse.

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