Chapter 39

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Nora followed Hazel and Benny out of the principal's office. She had never seen him look so angry. She was always on the faculty's good side.

Benny shivered. "Well, that was terrifying. At one point I thought he would expel me after I told him I was gay."

"Don't be silly," Nora muttered. "I think we really got through to him. I'm sorry you had to... you know. Come out."

"I hate that saying," Benny said. "Like there's a closet full of gays somewhere. If there is, give me the address."

"Narnia," Nora replied.

Hazel looked at her with mild amusement. 

"Thanks, Hazel, for coming with us," Nora said.

She shrugged, back to her usual catty self. "I did it for Rafe. He shouldn't get expelled because of you."

"Me?" Nora asked, "Jack has been—"

"Oh come on Nora, Rafe has not been himself ever since that locker room talk. So what? People talk. Get over it and get over yourself."

Benny began to look nervous. "Guys, take it easy," he said, "we don't need two fights in one day, hey?"

"Fine... Maybe you're right," Nora said. "I'll go see him now. Do you want to come along?"

"No," Hazel said, looking a little surprised at being invited to join and for Nora not having to fight back on her words. "It's you he wants to see anyway. We'll visit him later. He's been such a depressing bore since you two had a fight."

Hazel walked off.

Nora smiled. The ice in her heart thawed, only to be taken place by a flood of anxiety. She needed to see him.

The nurse's office felt like it was located at the edge of the world. You had to pass through two main buildings and an entire football field just to get to the medical wing. Light on her feet, she knocked on the door and poked her head in. Rebecca, the school nurse, was nowhere in sight, so Nora approached the beds.

Rafe was the only patient there. He sat on one of the beds, looking out the window.. A bruise bloomed an angry shade of green and purple against his jaw. He turned and gave her a weak wave.

"Hey," he said, hoarse.

"Oh my god, Rafe, you're bleeding," she said looking at the gash on the side of his neck.

She helped herself to some antiseptic wipes and sat down next to him. He hissed as she dabbed the wound gently.

"I'm fine. You should see Jack. I wiped the floor with his face," he said with a smirk.

She lowered the tissue. "Rafe, when I was upset about you not sticking up for me, this was not what I meant. I never meant to—"

He took her hand and pulled her close, taking her face in his hands. "I know. I just did what I should've done a long time ago. No one will ever speak of you or to you like that again. And Benny. He'll think twice before bullying anyone else."

Nora looked at the nasty bruise around his eyes. The white of his right eye had popped blood vessels. Tears gathered in her eyes. It hurt to see him like that. Benny was right. If she'd seen the actual fight, she'd probably die of fright.

She climbed onto his lap, pulled him to her chest and hugged him tightly. His hand went around her waist and pressed her body against his.

Nora smiled and traced a finger over the bruise on his jaw, her heart hammering against her ribs from being so close to him, "You have a battle scar," she teased.

"I know. I hear women go crazy for that," he said, wolfish.

"I hope you don't get into trouble," she murmured, adjusting his loose tie. She noticed his shirt was completely torn. She tried to remember if she'd ever taught him to sew. A smile crept to her lips.

"I'll be fine. The worst my dad can do is take away all my money again. I've lived without it for a year. I can live some more."

Nora didn't look convinced but decided Rafe could deal with his father later. All that mattered was he was okay.

"Emile called too. I'm sure he can talk to Dad and explain what happened. He'll do it better than me, anyway. He's clever."

"You're clever too," Nora said with a soft kiss on his cheek. "You risked so much. Why are you so reckless?" she said, placing her head on his chest.

"You're worth it all. And Jack was really asking for it," he murmured, playing with strands of her hair. After a peaceful moment of silence, he asked. "Will you come to the dance with me if I'm not kicked out of school by then?"

"Mmm...I would, but I kind of said yes to William already," she said. His hand fell still in her hair.

She let out a laugh. "I'm only joking. Of course, I'll go with you."

Rafe let out a sigh of relief. "Don't joke like that. For a second, I thought I would have to beat up two guys in one day."

"No more fighting for you," she admonished, pushing up her glasses.

He smirked and pulled her close. "Only if you kiss me," he said.

Nora didn't need to be told twice as she wrapped her hands around his neck and leaned in for a kiss.

"I'll kiss you any time if it keeps you out of trouble," she murmured in between kisses. 

"It's a deal then. " 

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