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"Now focus really hard, try to reduce the burning sensation. Stop the waves of energy you're feeling." Mr Faye insists. 

I close my eyes, trying to think of recapturing the energy and stopping the burning. "It;s working," I mumble, "it's going away." 

"Excellent! I knew you'd pick it up quickly." Mr Faye looks at me triumphantly. 

"So, can I take off the gloves yet?" 

"No not yet, you haven't even shot a beam of energy yet. Let alone how to control it." 

"Just teach me now!" 

"We need to be patient Odette, I know you're excited." 


"I think we can practice shadow hiding." My Faye says, and we both go out into the corridor. The hallways have huge windows, allowing the lockers to cast a shadow out in the hallway. 

"Okay, think about dissipating, or like becoming invisible." 

"I'll try." I reply.  I step into the shadow and shut my eyes tight, I was focusing so hard I felt like my brain was about to explode. 

"YES!!!" Cried Mr Faye, and I knew I had done it. I open my eyes, I now realised how weird my body felt. It's like I was broken into a bunch of small pieces. I step out of the shadow and I fall to the ground. Feeling weak and dizzy all of a sudden. 

"That probably drained your energy, come on let's go back to the classroom." 


I sat next to Jude in the library, our legs occasionally brushing against each other as we snuggled into the small sofa. 

"Are you going back to your house this weekend? To see your parents?" Jude asks me. 

"No I don't think so, they haven't talked to me since I've been claimed." My tone sounds careless, but deep down I'm angry and upset that they haven't contacted me yet. 

"That sucks." Jude says, "my parents are travelling. Do you want to go into the town on Saturday? There's a book shop there and we can grab coffee." 

I smile at the thought, "I'd love that." 

Jude grins at me and it feels like my heart just melted.


It was Saturday morning and I was the only one in my dorm. Thankfully all the other girls went back home to see their families. I got changed into some skinny jeans and a t-shirt. I then threw on my huge puffy coat, my hat, and those dreaded gloves I've been wearing for almost four weeks. I then almost sprint down the stairs to the front of school, Jude stood their typing away on his phone. 

"Hi," I breathe out. 

"Hey, ready to go?" 


We make the trip to the town on the public bus, we then trudge through the snow and make our way to the book store. "It's been ages since I've been here." I mutter as I trace my fingers along the paperbacks. 

"Yeah me too," says Jude from behind me. 

We end up not buying anything but just laughing at some of the titles of some of the books. Amazingly I was in a good mood, I know. It surprised me too. 

I order a latte and Jude orders a cappuccino, we take a small booth near the back of the busy cafe. 

"Is that Penelope and Dominik?" Jude says out of the blue. I see the couple making out near the back of the cafe, I then look away in disgust. "I guess assholes only date assholes." I say, making Jude laugh out loud. 

"Aren't we assholes as well though?" 

"Yeah definitely." 

Our drinks come and I happily chug my coffee, trying to regain some warmth in my body. I must not have realised where I was sitting because suddenly Jude starts to look around frantically, "Odette? Odette where are you?" 

I lean forward into the light, "I've literally been right here the whole time." 

"Bu-- But you-" 

"Oh, my bad I was sitting in a shadow." 

Jude looks at me like I was crazy, but then realisation crosses his features. "You can disappear into shadows. Of course." 

I laugh, "to be fair I did not realise I had just done it." 

"You and your crazy powers." Jude mutters teasingly and I slap his arm playfully. 

"Piss off." I mumble. 

We sit in a slightly awkward silence and I can feel the tension rising between us. 

"How's school?" I say without thinking, what a stupid question! 

"Do you really have to ask that?" Jude replies with a smile.

"I guess I don't smart ass." I say trying to ease the atmosphere. "Let's go shall we?" 

We leave a ten dollars on the table and head back out to the freezing cold. 

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