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We had started to come up with ideas to break into the mansion where Harry was staying. Apparently when Caspian woke up in the early hours of the morning, he teleported around town and created a quick 'map' of sorts. We also found out that Harry was hosting a big ball in order to crown him as king of the elves.

We were all shocked to say the least, and it was happening in only three days. Three days! High ranking White Chain members from around the world were invited to join the ceremony slash ball.

"Okay guys I think I might have an idea... We're going to have to act fast, but I think we might just be able to pull this off." Jude said deviously, everyone looked at him with questioning glances before he continues. "First we are going to need some epic disguises."

Let's fast forward to after Jude explains his complicated yet genius plan. Caspian and I are sent off to steal some outfits for the ball. At first, Luna complained massively about how stealing is wrong and how we shouldn't do it. Caspian rolled his eyes and gave me a look of what can only be described as disgust and annoyance. I almost burst out laughing but assured Luna that it was fine and we would return it, yeah right.

I follow Caspian out of the door, we both had the hoods of our jackets up to avoid being recognised. But it was dark anyways so it should be fine. We walked around to an alley and we both stood in a shadow.

"I saw a clothing shop when I was out here the other day," Caspian whispers to me. I nod wordlessly but Caspian suddenly grabbed my hand.

"What are you doing?" I ask as I look down at our entwined fingers.

"You don't know where the shop is so I have to shadow travel us both there," Caspian says as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

A second later we are standing in an empty shop, with rows and rows of fancy clothes.

"Have you ever stolen anything before?" Caspian asks me as he walks over to the suits, thumbing through them.

"A pack of gum from a convenience store but that's it I think."

He hums in agreement, pulling out a blue coloured suit. "I think Jude would like this don't you think?"

"Uh yeah... Sure," I mutter before walking over to a large rack of ballgowns. We both stay in silence while we browse our options.

"I think Jude would be happy to wear this bowler hat and use this cane when we attend the ball."

I laugh at the ugly hat Caspian had picked up, and a long thick silver cane with a snake head at the top. "It's perfect," I reply.

"Yeah it is, and Luna should wear that feather boa over there." Caspian points to a white feather boa on display. I let out another chuckle before picking it up and throwing it over my shoulders. "Wow Caspian, you truly have an eye for fashion."

"Ha. Ha." He replies before grabbing another suit off the rack, "I think I'm done here what about you?"

Just as he said that I find a beautiful pastel pink down that had a bedazzled bodice and a silky skirt. I could imagine Luna walking around in it, it was perfect for her.

"I've found a dress for Luna, now I just need one for myself."

I continue milling through the large array of options, until something catches my eye. It was one of those veil headbands, since Harry knew my face, one of those would be perfect for me.

"Hey Odette, come over here."

I walk over to the back of the shop where Caspian was holding something, but it was too dark for me to see what it was. As I stood next to him I saw he was holding a elegant black dress with a plunging neckline. It was simple, yet very beautiful.

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