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"We should get a teacher." Jude says backing away slowly.

"No! We don't have the time. Come on." I grab his hand and quietly walk down the stairs to the basement.

It's silent for a while, but then I hear hushed voices. We crouch down halfway down the stairs and I peer into the vast basement below. It was filled to the brim in old furniture and other random trinkits.

The hushed voices got louder, "master I am getting stronger. Its only a matter of time before we get her."

I look at Jude with a horrified look on my face. This was the person who's been stealing powers, and it sounded like she working for someone else.

At this point I was terrified, what the hell am I supposed to do now?

"Very good my child, we are very close now. We'll be in power soon enough."

"Yes master."

I strained to hear who's voice it was, it was very high-pitched. It had to be a girl and of course my mind instantly went to Penelope. Jude shifts his weight on the stairs, and a large creak fills the basement. I put my hand over my mouth in shock.

"What was that?" A voice sounded out angrily.

"Run." I whisper to Jude, I hear footsteps behind us as we sprint out of the basement.

"Stop right there!" A female voice said, we are suddenly frozen in out tracks.

"Someone's manipulating the air around us. We can't move." Jude pants.

"No shit." I mutter.

We slowly struggle to turn around and I almost screamed in surprise.

It was one of Penelope's minions... Venus Castillo... The girl I bumbed into in the hall a few weeks ago.

"Venus?! You're behind this!? What about Penelope?"

She let's out a manic laugh, "I framed her with the book, I borrowed it out in her name. And I convinced her to pull some horrid pranks on you." 

"Great exposition there Venus." Jude says sarcastically, I shoot him a pointed look. 

"Yeah whatever, we got you just at the right time Odette..." Venus says sardonically. 

I finally notice the hooded figure behind her, it was definitely a man. But he was huge, you could see his muscle through his cloak and he was way over six foot. He steps forward. 

"We've been waiting for you, child of Caspian." He says. 

I almost flinch at the coldness in his voice. "Back off." I shout. 

"Not a chance, when we take your powers we'll be so powerful that we can finally get what we want."

"What DO you want?" Jude replies. 

"Power, the Gods and Goddesses have had their way for too long." 

"Who are you?" I ask. 

"Have you really not heard of me? My group?" 

I shake my head hesitantly.

"I thought you were smarter than that Odette... I am Harry, leader of the White Chain." 

Suddenly realisation hits me, the White Chain were a huge terrorist group. All they did was kill innocent people and take over towns and cities. I see the small logo on his cloak now, a large white hand with a chain wrapped around it. Jude looks just as terrified as me now and we look at each other with uncertainty. 

"So... this has been fun but I think I've got to go..." I say, eyeing the shadow behind me. I needed to get to it and I needed to take Jude with me. 

"Haha not so fast Odette, we're still getting acquainted." Harry says taking small steps forward. 

I look over to Jude and our eyes meet, I give him a simple nod and I use all my energy to step forward out of the air that was holding me in that position. Everything went slow, I reached out to grab Jude's hand as Harry started to curse and yell at Venus. I take a huge step towards the nearest shadow and me and Jude shadow travelled to the next hallway. 

"Oh my god! How did..." 

"You'll feel a bit weird after that, go get help from the principal and all the teachers too." I tell him.

"What about you?" 

"I have to stop them." I say simply. 

"What! Odette no! It's too much of a risk." Jude replies.

 I think back to that stupid prophecy they told me, "I have to Jude, just trust me." 

He nods reluctantly and starts to set off in the other direction, but before he can do that I grab his hand and pull him back to me. Smashing my lips to his for a brief few seconds. 

"For luck." I breathe out as we move away. 

"You don't believe in luck." Jude says as he smiles.

"Touché." I say before we run off in opposite directions. 


Sorry I had to leave that on a cliffhanger! Next chapter will hopefully be up either Saturday or Sunday! 

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