Chapter 10- Fear

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Oooh guys..Amanda and Zenas have their first real conversation. ^__^ I'm pretty excited I have some ideas for this in the future. And no they aren't going to be love interests. Just letting you know, this is not a romance. Anyways read..comment! Vote! :)


Zenas wasn't at school the next day. Or the next. Amanda felt herself worrying about him. Was he suspended? Or did he just simply not come to school? She couldn't blame him. Often times she would pretend to be sick so she could stay home.

She probably did that too much though, her mother wouldn't let her stay home anymore. Amanda felt herself searching for him in the hallways even though she knew he wasn't there. “Move out of the way Big Mac.” Some kid shoved her. Amanda turned around to see who it was but he was already off.

Big Mac.

She looked down at herself. Her fat bulging out her shirt, her huge whale thighs, her big feet and fat fingers. Amanda felt so disgusted, and she almost forgot she was in the middle of the hallway. “MOVE!” Some other kid pushed her out of the way. She nearly stumbled and she headed in the nearest bathroom.

Relived it was empty she went up to the bathroom sink and looked in the mirror. She regretted it as soon as she did. She would rather not know how she looked. Tears were threatening to spill out. She looked at herself in the mirror, and looked away disgusted.

Was this really how she looked?

Amanda knew it was selfish, but was life really worth living? How was she even going to contact Zenas? Why were those boys making fun of him?

“Mrs. Chen called me while you were at school Amanda.” Her mother said when Amanda came home.

“Mrs. Chen?” Who was that? Sudden realization dawned on her. Zenas's mom? Why was she calling her? Her heart clenched. Was it because she didn't defend him when he was being teased? No, she told herself. That's silly, Zenas never did anything when she got teased.

“Zenas's mom?” Her mom answered. “She said you borrowed a book of his? She wanted you to bring it back?”

“Today?” Amanda was perplexed. He was gone for a few days, and all he wanted was some stupid book she borrowed?

“Yeah his mom said you also had homework to give him?” Amanda felt stupid, oh yes of course, the teachers had given Amanda his homework thinking they were best friends so she could give it him.

She felt really nervous. She didn't want to go over there. That would just be too awkward. She would just give him his stupid book, quickly go over the homework and leave. Yes, that's what she was going to do. “Should I go now?” Amanda asked nervously.

“Yes!” Her mom said getting annoyed. “Mrs. Chen gave me her address put it in the GPS and give him the stuff.”

Amanda didn't really like that magna book Zenas let her read anyways.

With butterflies dancing in her stomach, she typed his address in the GPS and made her way to his house. To her surprise, he lived in a huge beautiful house, complete with its own gate. It made her feel a little embarrassed about her own home.

A couple dogs barked as she got out of the car and walked up the stone steps to the front door. She hated dogs, and she nervously jumped when she heard the barking.

A small Asian woman answered the door, she looked Amanda over and gave her a disparaging look. “Are you Amanda Macky?” She asked.

Amanda almost got the feeling she didn't like her. “Yes ma'am.”

The woman sighed. “Come in.”

Ironically, Amanda almost felt small when she was in Zenas's house. It was huge, a winding white staircase winded up around the room, flowers hanging on the banister. A gold chandelier hung by the door. It was a beautiful, but she was glad she didn't live in this house. It was too grand and big for her tastes. “Zenas Chen!” The woman yelled. “Come down! Someone is here for you!”

A couple minutes later, a small Asian boy was coming down the stairs. Amanda felt her face brighten. “Hey Zenas.” She greeted him.

He really didn't look too happy to see her. “What do you want?” He asked.

“Zenas!” His mom reprimanded him. “That is no way to treat your guest.”

Zenas looked away embarrassed. “I'm sorry Amanda.”

Amanda took a deep breath, she felt really awkward being here. Why did the teachers assume they were friends? They really weren't. “The teachers told me to give you your homework.” She said. “And here's your book.”

Zenas took the folder and book and started to go back upstairs. “Wait Zenas!” Amanda called. “Mrs. Christansen wanted me to talk to you about that speech she wants us to do? About fear?”

Zenas sighed. “What is there to talk about? I’m afraid of spiders, yay so I have to make a stupid speech?”

“Well she told me she wanted you to get started on it.” Amanda said feeling really awkward. Did Zenas hate her or something? Well add that to the big list of people who hated her.

“Okay...” Zenas said shuffling his feet. “Well bye.”

Amanda knew he wanted her to leave and it kind of hurt her feelings a little. “Well you weren't there when she was explaining how to write it.” She said. “She wanted me to tell you and help you get started.” She paused. “We could get started on it together.”

Zenas sighed. “Okay, I guess we can go up in my room for a little bit then.”

His room was huge, and he had anime and Pokemon posters all over his wall. He had all sort of game consoles, including the xbox, the Wii, the gameboy, and video games were spread all over his floor. “Well she wanted us to start by stating our fear.” Amanda said. “Almost as accepting it. She wanted us to look up any phobias having to do with our fear and what causes our fear. So what about spiders makes you afraid?”

Zenas looked impatient. “Well they are ugly and creepy.” He said.

Amanda sighed. “She wants us to go more in depth than that.”

“Well Amanda,” Zenas said. “What is your fear?”

Amanda paused not quite expecting him to ask. Without thinking she blurted,“School.”

Zenas looked at her a little surprised and he almost looked a little more relaxed. “Why are you afraid of school?” He asked pushing up his glasses. “Is it the kids you are afraid of? Their mean jokes?”

Amanda looked at him a little surprised and felt embarrassed for saying that. She could feel a tear coming along, the last thing she wanted was Zenas to see her crying. “Well...” Amanda started looking at her fat fingers as if it suddenly became a lot more interesting. “I guess so.”

To her surprise Zenas gave her a small smile. “I'm afraid of that too.”


Author's Note:

So what do you think?

Have you ever been afraid to come to school?

Vote comment! :)

Big MacOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora