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^^Yay an update^^

It doesn't take a special kind of person to know that they are going to die. But one should very well worry about their mental health when they know the exact time, place, and date of their death.

Percy? He has estimated that he'd be dying in three minutes to be exact, in a one-roomed house, on this day of the week, this week of the month, this month of the year as he holds the head of the king of Fort Dray.

Confused yet? No? Good, glad you're keeping up. Wondering who's talking to you? Don't worry about it, you'll know soon enough.

Let's start where we left off though, shall we?
Silas scrambled to put the food away, and he pushed both Percy and Mel under a table where he pushed the trunk in front of them, then pulled a cloth over the table, only allowing Percy to see through the barely noticed hole in the side.

He stood and put his hands under the leaking pipe and acted as if he was washing his hands when those soldiers kicked into the home. "Silas, it has been years." A tiny voice said. Those creatures walked in, and Percy wondered why they were on a first name basis with his host. "Crane. Still out being my brother's lackey I see?" Silas said nonchalantly, shaking his hands dry. The creatures squealed and screeched in irritation. "Watch it, Silas. You are no longer royalty." The creatures said, and Percy notices that they were all talking in unison, but they sounded like one voice. "And yet, it seems I'm still above you," Silas said, looking down at the tiny creatures. "Now what makes you intrude my home and blow that blasted horn?" Silas said, crossing his arms.

"Well, err, a markless man and a girl was seen running the streets." The creatures said. "Let me get this right. You, the greatest soldier on Planet Dray," Silas said, emphasis on 'you', "let a measly unmarked and a girl escape and now you can't find them? Oh, whatever will my dear brother think of that?" Silas said dramatically.

"Well, err, it's obvious they aren't here so we will look elsewhere." The creatures rushed out, quivering in fear as Silas looked on with a satisfied smirk.

Percy wanted out. "Don't." Was the only thing spoken to Percy before another soldier came in and was a bit more rough around the edges, in other words, he came in ready to beat Silas to a pulp.

This soldier looked angrier and bigger than the last, even when that soldier was in human form. The soldier's marks were almost exactly like Silas', the same aura, the same power.

"Brother, you've come to visit me? Oh, please, just leave me alone just a little longer." Silas said exasperatedly, but there was a sense of alarm in his voice. "I am not your brother you markless lover!" Silas' brother scowled. "You and your grudges. You liked her too and that was millennia ago." Silas said, rolling his eyes. "And you already threw me out of my home. You have nothing to be angry about anymore."

"My men may be intimidated by you but-" "I get it. 'You are the almighty king'. How's that wife of yours, still knowing other Alphas?" What's wrong if you know other dudes? Is it like a rule that you can't speak to the opposite gender after you're married?

Wait. There's another meaning for know.

That triggered his brother, and Silas was up against the wall even though his brother moved in no way other than a flick of his hand. Silas struggled for air, but he didn't cry out. "Ahh, Afonsisi. Always the stubborn one. Not as loyal as your name suggests but stubborn nevertheless." "W-we all know we don't always live up to our name Chaot."

Percy struggled to keep a laugh in. His name sounds like carrot. All hail king carrot. 'Shut up.' Randel said. Percy wasn't making any noise but he stopped thinking so loud. Chaot was obviously named after Chaos, and it was probably really difficult to live up to the creator of the universe.

Silas had began to close his eyes, Chaot's fingers were clenched in a tight ball. Percy hesitated before aiming an ice pick at the King's hand. It missed and it gave away Percy's position. His aim sucks much more than it had been on Earth.

He dropped his hand along with a barely conscious Silas. And he began to stalk over to the table. Well he stepped, it isn't that big of a room. He pulled up the cloth and Randel, who had been on edge since they had gotten here took the initiative without turning into a whole wolf.

So, Percy nor Maelstrom killed the king of Planet Dray. It was the wolf that lived inside of his body. But whatever he said, to anyone else Percy knew, the blood of King Chaot of Planet Dray was on his hands, quite literally. He held the head in his hands, his claws slowly shrinking. The marks on the King's neck began to slither up Percy's arms.

Percy dropped the head but it was too late. The marks had made their home on his shoulders, probably permanently marking him as the killer of King Chaot.

A new feeling came along with it and Percy reached down to check on Silas. Randel admittedly had more medical experience than Percy, and he laid him on the cloth that was used to cover him. Mel was asleep, so he hid her under his cloak. He realized now that his bandages were no longer needed, but they were the closest thing he had to a shirt.

He couldn't stay at Silas' home. He picked up the head and body of the King and dragged it to the middle of the town, where the guards had seemed to all gone MIA. He laid the body down, closed the King's eyes. "I'm signing it 'Loyalty.'" Percy decided. 'Why?' "Where I come from, you're related to dogs, and dogs are loyal," Percy said. 'And cuz plot.' "What?" 'Nothing.'

With fire hotter than the scorching ground he burned the word 'Loyalty' under the body of the fallen king.

Annd that's done. Comment your thoughts on the part!

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