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One year later

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One year later


I look up at Thorne as I adjust the skirt of my dress, separating the cloth from my heels. No matter what I do, I can't seem to stand still. I suppose that has something to do with all of the nervous energy I have stored inside, as today is a big day. Not only are Thorne and I moving into our brand new apartment together that is perfectly spaced from our respective college campuses, but Charlie and Violet are getting married.

I've known this day was coming for months, and yet that doesn't make me feel any more prepared for it. Summer is coming to an end, which means I will be starting my sophomore year at the local university in just a few short weeks. Thorne will be beginning classes at the community college around the same time, and I couldn't be prouder of him. After tonight, Thorne and I will be officially moved into our very first apartment together, which is a big step to take in our relationship—though it's a step I think I'm ready to take.

But biggest of all: After tonight, two of my best friends will be married.

"A little," I admit to Thorne with a sheepish smile, unable to calm my racing heartbeat. Months ago, back when Thorne and I had just graduated high school, Violet finally proposed to Charlie. The wedding planning had followed soon after, and now here we are a year later, the day of the wedding.

And I'm the maid of honor.

I'm still unsure of why Charlie and Violet wanted me to be their maid of honor. When they asked me to fill the position, I could hardly believe they were being serious. It just seemed to me that they'd want someone else to be such a big part of the beginning of their forever together, and yet they seemed adamant that I be their maid of honor. Charlie had told me she couldn't think of a better person to fit the title, as both she and Violet loved me like a sister.

I might have shed a few tears at that.

And now here I am, standing next to Thorne—who was appointed the best man—about to walk down the altar with him. It's nerve-wracking and exciting all at once, and I can't seem to stand still.

"You look beautiful, Sunshine," Thorne whispers to me as he tucks a strand of dark hair behind my ear, his green eyes meeting my hazel. "And you have no reason to be nervous."

I smile at him, noticing how handsome he looks in his suit, his usually messy hair combed perfectly in place. It's comforting to know that I'll be walking down this aisle with him by my side; that no matter what happens he'll always be there. So much has changed in the past year, and yet Thorne and I are exactly the same as we've always been.

"And who knows?" Thorne's signature smirk curls onto his lips as he looks down at me, eyes gleaming mischievously. "Maybe someday, this will be our wedding."

I know that Thorne is only teasing me, yet there is a hint of seriousness to his tone as well, like he's testing the waters on the subject. Although I'm only nineteen, nowhere near ready for marriage—I mean, I'm still trying to get through college—something about the thought is relieving, too. To think about marriage is a big—almost scary—thing, and yet the thought of marrying Thorne someday doesn't scare me at all. Quite the opposite, actually.

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