chapter 3

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I looked in the mirror of the hospitals bathroom what I saw shocked me, I expected to see my bushy brown hair and chocolate eyes; instead I saw a fair skinned girl with Sterling silver eyes and long black hair that fell to the midst of her back in soft curls.

'What house am I?' I thought

I looked down to see my green and silver tie.

I'm a Slytherin? I quickly put on my uniform and met Albus outside the hospital wing.

"Hello Uncle" I nodded curtly.

"Are you ready my dear?" Albus asked me. I looked down to my feet and nodded.

"Your things have been sent up to your room, you may go and prepare for the feast. I must take my leave now. Until later my dear." He bowed to me and left me standing in a familiar yet unfamiliar empty hall.

I sighed and readjusted my bag on my shoulder, 'This is gonna be a long year'. I shook my head to clear my thoughts and took off in a random direction.
'How am I supposed to do this Tom?!' I thought. 'I have no idea what I'm supposed to do, if time is a giant circle nothing I did back then changed anything!" Lost in thought I accidentally ran into someone.

"Watch where you're going Dumbledore!" The deep voice sneered at me.

"Oh shove off Abraxas!" I countered. He looked at me with disgust for using his name. He growled.

"Oh come on Mia! You know I hate that name" he whined at me. "You had me real worried when you fell down those stairs you know? I looked everywhere for that Gryffindor that pushed you, but it was like no one was there! Like they were invisible!" He complained. I looked around to make sure no one was around to see us, and pulled Abraxas into an alcove with me.

"SHHH Malfoy! You know I'm being followed! Stop being so loud!" I scolded him. "Who is the ONLY person we know with an Invisibility cloak??" I asked him. He looked down in thought. His head shot up suddenly!

"Its Potter! It has to be!" I smiled at him.

"Of course its Potter dummy!" I replied. He scowled.

"You don't have to be so mean Mia" he grumbled. I rolled my eyes 'ugh why does he keep calling me that'

"I've told you many times not to call me Mia" I said annoyed. He laughed and ruffled my hair. I waved my arms in front of my head to get him to stop.

"You know i can't do that! You're my best friend of course I have to call you something unique" he said joyfully. His eyes crinkled in happiness, I couldn't help to smile. His smile is so infectious.

"Ugh whatever Abraxan" I taunted. He scowled.

"Fine whatever, Hey Mia why is Riddle watching you?" He said looking over my shoulder.

"Huh?" I said confusedly and quickly spun around. There he was, surrounded by his minions, staring a hole in my head. The heat from his gaze was so strong it almost made me flinch. Almost. I would have if I didn't know what he would become. I do not fear him. He's almost like a pillar from my past life. When he noticed me looking at him he quickly looked away.

"I dont know.." I furrowed my eyebrows in thought. Abraxas looked around uncomfortably then coughed.

"Uhh.. let's get to the Great Hall for the feast huh sis?" He asked. I nodded my head, as we were walking away I could feel Tom's eyes drill holes in the back of my head. I shivered. Once we got to the Great Hall we took our seats.
   Tom and his goons walked in and all the girls started to faun over him. He smirked and looked in my direction. I looked to Abraxas for help, he just shrugged. 'Typical' I thought. Tom made a Bee line and sat right in front of me.

"What do you want Riddle?" I scowled at him. He smirked.

"Well is that how you treat an old friend my dear?" He asked sarcastically. I coldly laughed at him.

"So we're friends now, is that it?" I asked with venom in my voice. Abraxas put his hand on my shoulder to help me calm down. Tom glared at his hand. "We stopped being friends a long time ago, Tom" I said sadly looking away.

"Let's go Mia.." Abraxas said standing and helping me out of my seat. Tom growled.

"Yes Mia, run away with your boyfriend" he sneered at me. I growled and spun on him.

"At least he's man enough to actually be my friend! You just left! You foul, foul man!" I yelled at him. I spun on my heel and walked to the end of the table with Abraxas. Just then my uncle walked to the podium to start the feast.

"Attention students! We have some grave news.. due to the current attacks at school, no one is allowed to walk without a partner or group; unless asked or told so by a professor or myself. Now, let the feast begin!" He said and waved his arms up.
  Like magic the tables started to fill up with various foods and drinks. We immediately dug in. I looked around the hall and took in the beauty. Everything was amazing. Lost in thought, I didn't see the white, snow owl fly in. A loud thud was heard in front of me. I snapped my head up and gasped. 'Hedwig?' I thought 'wait no.. it can't be' I thought sadly. Attached to its foot was a small piece of parchment. I untied it from his foot and gave him a treat. Looking to Abraxas for help, but he was too busy eating. I opened the letter.

   'My dearest Mia,
         I request your audience at the astronomy tower at midnight, be there if you know whats best for you. And come alone or else.
        We're watching.

                           C. Potter '
I gasped and looked at the Gryffindor table. His stone cold eyes stared deep into mine. I scowled.
'How dare he!' I thought. I got up looked to my uncle. He nodded. I went straight to his office and started pacing.

A few minutes later the door opened. I looked up and sighed.

"Uncle, its another one." I said before handing him the note. He nodded and read it.

"Well my dear, I suggest you stay in your dorm tonight. I'll send for Abraxas to come collect you and I'll have him stay by your side." I grumbled, but I knew better than to argue this matter.
A few moments later Abraxas rushed into the room.

"Mia!! Are you okay??" He asked looking me over to make sure I'm not hurt. I waved him away.

"Of course I'm not hurt, dummy!" I said. Uncle then told Abraxas everything and told him his job. Abraxas nodded gravely and looked at me in the corner of his eye, knowing that I won't allow this.
When we were dismissed we walked back to the dungeons, we were both quiet but knew what the other was thinking. 'What did Potter want?'

When we got to the dungeons and said the password Abraxas went to bed. It was only me and a few 2nd years in the room. They were doing potions homework. I sat down on the sofa in front of the fire place and watched the fish swim by. My eyes grew heavy, and I laid back on the sofa. Slowly I drifted to sleep.

○●○●○●○●○TIME SKIP●○●○●○●○
I slowly awoke, to see a shadow sitting in front of the couch. His back turned to me, he was whispering something. Pretending to be asleep I strained to listen.

"Why do you let him call you Mia.. You hated it when I called you that.." I realized Tom was talking to my sleeping form. He sighed and ran a hand through his usually neat hair, messing it up, he looked like he just rolled out of bed. His soft brown hair in every direction. He looked slightly crazed. It startled me slightly. But I continued to pretend I was sleeping. He seemed to buy it.

"I wanted to be your friend again.. I did.. but I can't.. because of him. I cant stand him! Dammit Mi- Hermione!" He slammed his fists on the table. "Do you want to ruin me?!" He growled. He turned and placed a hand on my face.
"You make me want to hate you, my dear" he whispered. He stood up, and dusted off his pajamas. "Sleep well, My dear.." he hesitated, then stalked up the stairs to his dormitory. I sighed a relief, and waited till I was sure he was gone; and sat up. 'Where did this blanket come from' I thought. I shook my head and silently grabbed my stuff and walked up to my dorm.

I laid down on my bed and drew the curtains around it. I sighed 'why was everything complicated with him!' I shook my head, 'I need sleep'. I rolled over and fell into a deep peaceful sleep.

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