Chapter 4

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Screams were heard from every direction. The stench of blood and sweat lingered in the air. I stood in the middle of a small town, burning buildings surrounded me. Ash and smoke filled the air as people ran frantically around. A loud boom was heard through the town. Silence. Silence, was all you could hear. I closed my eyes, and turned my back on the city. A loud clicking of foot steps approached me from behind.

"You know my lady, this could all have been avoided if you just took my offer" a familiar voice said. I chuckled humorlessly and shook my head.

"Of all the people in the world I wouldn't have expected you to do this" I sneered at him and motioned to the chaos of the burning town. He smirked.

"I know."

I awoke with a start. The stench of smoke still in the air. I shook my head and looked out the window. The sun was just beginning to rise. I sighed, today will be a long day. I stood up quietly so to not wake my roommates and made my way to my trunk. After I gathered my things I quickly took a shower and got ready for today's lessons. Grabbing my bookbag I slipped on my heels and walked to the common room.

The common room had only a few people in it, since it was still early and no one was awake yet. I looked at the time 7:30. 'Classes don't start till 9:00, I'll sit by the fire till Abraxas wakes up.'
I stared into the fire losing myself in thought.

'Who was the voice in my dream? It wasn't Tom his voice has a sharp edge to it.. And where was I? I know I was in in a town but where? And why was I standing there not helping anyone?!' Frustrated I let out a groan and leaned my head into my hands.

More and more people started to fill the common room as the sun rose. I looked around for Abraxas, but couldn't see him. I looked at the clock 8:15. I should head to breakfast. Picking up my bag I quickly walked out of the common room, feeling like someone was watching me the entire time. I started to walk down the corridor, when a body slammed hard into me.

"Hey watch where you're going Dumbledore!" The voice sneered at me. I froze. That voice.. "Hey! I'm talking to you!" He gripped my shoulder and turned me around to face him. Charlus Potter stood in front of me. He growled and gripped my shoulder harder.

"We missed your audience last night in the astronomy tower, my dearest." He smirked.

"That really is a shame, honest. But the truth is, I had better things to do than have a tea party with your pathetic little club Potter" I hissed at him, his eyes narrowed and his hand gripped his wand.

"Be careful with what you say Mia you don't want unwanted ears to hear, do you?" He pointed his wand at me. I rose an eyebrow.

"I thought you better than to start a duel in the middle of a corridor, especially one you have no chance of winning." I exclaimed. He glared at me, his jaw clenched. A loud set of footsteps approached down the corridor.

" Potter, No Wands outside of the classroom" I taunted. He growled and put it away. I looked behind me and Tom, Abraxas and another fellow whom I couldn't care for the name of came up to us.

"Hello Mia, I seemed to have slept in a little this morning, hope you aren't too mad" Abraxas exclaimed. Tom rolled his eyes and glared at Potter. I looked between him and Tom confusedly, he gave me the look as to tell me later. I nodded.

"It seems like your rescuers are here Mia" Potter sneered at me. I rolled my eyes.

"Get lost Potter, Mia doesn't want a filthy Blood traitor like you near her" Abraxas hissed at him. His eyes flared and he went to grab at his wand.

"20 points from Gryffindor for attempting to duel outside of class, and another 10 for attempting to harm another student" Tom said in his Head boy voice. Potter growled before stalking away.

After a few moments of silence, I looked at Abraxas and Tom.

"Why are you two hanging out together? Y'all hate each other" I pointed out. Abraxas laughed.

"Riddle woke me and Avery up because we were gonna be late to class" he said and pointed to the other person whom I forgot was still here.

"Oh" was all I could say. Tom looked at me and looked away almost embarrassed, like he knew I heard him last night.

Abraxas threw his arm over my shoulder and started to walk to the Great Hall.

"Man I'm starving! Thanks Riddle for the wake up call!" He threw over his shoulder laughing. I shook my head at him.

'Man this will be a long day after all' I thought absent-mindedly.

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