Chapter 5

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Once we were a good distance away from Tom, Abraxas pulled me into an abandoned corridor. He looked at me with so much worry that my heart broke.

"Mia are you okay? You really freaked me out. When Riddle woke me up I ran down stairs from the Boy's dorm. I notice that you weren't there and I got really worried" He said in a rush, looking me over making sure I was okay. I smiled at him and shook my head.

"Abraxas I am perfectly okay, trust me." I reassured him. He sighed and ran his hand through his hair, in a way that reminded my old self of Draco. My eyes grew distant, and I started to hyperventilate. Abraxas put his hand on my shoulder, looking at me strangely. My vision started to fade into something else entirely.

A little boy with bright blonde hair around the age of 3 stood outside of a hospital room, tears streamed down his face. A hand touched his shoulder affectionately, the little boy looked up at the owner of the hand and smiled sadly. I ran forward to see what was going on, the owner of the hand was a man with long blonde hair that looked strangely like Abraxas. I tried to call out to him only to realize that they can't hear me. 

"Lucius you must be strong, as there was nothing that we could do." the man said with a grief filled voice. Lucius (the little boy) nodded.

"I know Father. I just miss her" Lucius whispered. The man nodded solemnly.

"Your mother was an amazing Witch. She was one of the strongest I knew" he said

A loud clicking of heels ran quickly down the hallway. I turned to see me as an adult, running gracefully toward the man. 

"Abraxas! Lucius! Oh goodness! We came as soon as we heard!"  she swooped down and picked up the 3 year old in a tight hug and kissed his forehead.

"Godmother! Please, I am okay. Is Uncle here?" Lucius asked. She nodded her head and looked down the hallway.

"He should be up in any minute. He was talking to the Doctors to figure out what happened , my sweet" she told him. He nodded and hugged her tightly and started to cry softly.

My vision started to fade back to reality, I looked up to Abraxas with wide eyes. He was holding on to my shoulders tightly. 

"MIA! Mia! What happened?!" he started asking frantically. I looked up at him with tears in my eyes. He quickly put up silencing charms so no one would hear us. I looked around to make sure everything was okay.

"I- I think I had a vision.." I whispered. His face paled immediately and his eyes grew wide. 

"Like a Seer?" I nodded and looked down. "Dear Merlin" he breathed.

"Mia, this is serious. if he were to find out-" he started but I interrupted him.

"I know Abraxas.. But I can't help it!" I growled. He looked at his hands.

"What did you See?" he whispered. I shook my head, now isn't the right time to tell him. He nodded softly.

"We need to tell your Uncle.." Abraxas looked at me. I sighed, of course. He took down the silencing charms and started to walk towards my Uncle's office. When we walked out of the Corridor I realized that classes had already started. 

"Abraxas! Classes have started! We will have to tell him after dinner tonight." I said quietly so to not disturb the classes. He looked at me with surprise, and chuckled.

"You're right as always Mia, What class do you have?" I looked at my Time table.

"Uhh, Potions! What class do you have?" He smirked.

"Potions, lets go." he dragged me down the new corridor and into the dungeons. We stopped right outside the classroom and took a deep breath. I nodded and pushed open the door. Slughorn, in the middle of talking to a student about a potion ingredient; looked up at us.

"Ah! Hermione! What a delight! What seems to be the reason that you two are 15 minuets late?" he questioned with a sparkle in his eyes, a few students snickered.

"I'm sorry Professor but we were in the library studying and we lost track of time" Abraxas said smoothly. Slughorn nodded and motioned for us to take our seats. He clapped his hands to signal the class to pay attention to him.

"Alright class, today we will be going over the uses and properties of the Lionfish. Who can tell me the parts of which are used from the lionfish?" he asked. Tom rose his hand high in to the air.

"Ah yes Tom my boy!" Slughorn said with pride. I rolled my eyes.

"The Spines sir" he said and smirked.

"Correct! 20 points to Slytherin!" Slughorn said proudly. I growled softly and threw my hand into the air. Slughorn looked surprised at the sudden movement.

"Ah Mrs. Dumbledore?" he asked.

"Well as Tom has mentioned the lionfish Spines are used but it differs in the matter of which they are used. Like for instance, you can powder the spines and use the powder for certain potions like Poison N.07. Or you could use the whole spines as an ingredient in the Wiggenweld potion. If you were to mix the two up you could accidentally poison the person you are trying to heal. It is considered a very dangerous potion ingredient." I said smugly. Slughorn bristled for a moment.

"Yes, yes of course. Thank you Mrs. Dumbledore, for that fascinating information. 25 points to Slytherin." he said and continued to explain the lesson. Abraxas nudged me. A paper swan appeared in front of me, I looked at him quizzically. He motioned for me to read it.

The room. Midnight.


The note disintegrated. I sighed. Great.

Just great.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2020 ⏰

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