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Y/n:owww what happened?

I say while holding my head in pain while I was now in the black and white abyss again

???:let's just say you went berserk

Wondering who that was I turned towards the direction of the voice to see the man from before which made me quickly get up on my feet then bring out my black sword

???:don't worry I'm not going to fight you I just want to talk

Y/n:... ok but I'm still keeping this out just in case

???:good anyway what do you think of your true sacred gear

Y/n:my true sacred gear?

???:yeah you know the one you used to fight that fallen angel

Y/n:... wait you mean this

I then held out my hand making my right arm be covered in black armor, two red jewels to appear on the back of my hand and my elbow. Also unlike before it now has green claws. And On my back was the wing made completely out of black elemental swords

Y/n:what th-

???:before you say anything the reason it's different is because unlike other sacred gears yours gets better when something specific is spilled on it and for the side you have it's blood

Y/n:ooohh wait side?

???:yes your sacred gear has two sides one is the demonic side while the other is the holy side which is really weak with you

Y/n:well of course It is I am a devil not a angel and are you sure about that cause I don't see a white gauntlet on me or anything

???:it was non existent before but after you branded that fallen angel you gained some of her holy magic so it's possible that you can now get it out

Thinking it won't hurt to try I hold out my other hand then immediately my left hand was covered in a white fingerless glove and another wing made of swords appear on my back but unlike the other one the wing was made up of white swords which didn't get out any element

Y/n:ok then

With that done I made the gauntlets and wings disappear then look at the man as he stairs at me

Y/n:by the way thanks for healing that injury raynare gave me but I want to know how did you do it?

???:oh it's simple I just made you half dragon

As soon as those words left his mouth I stood there in disbelief while trying to comprehend this new information he gave me

Y/n:... you did what?

???:I made you half dragon

Y/n:... your joking right?


After a few minutes passes I broke the silence we had between us with these few words


???:Jesus Christ calm down


???:yeah and what's bad about being a dragon I mean you are now able to have mates, holy objects doesn't hurt you at all, and best of all the parts that are now part of a dragon are more powerful then ever hell the only bad thing is that if a woman ever goes to you half nude you will be more lustful then a animal in its heat period


???:what's wrong with you now?

Y/n:do you SEE the girls I have to be in the same room with! Most of the time I see most of them showing so much skin it should be classified as nude! And that's just my fangirls! With Rias and akeno they are almost ALWAYS nude!

???:oh ... but hey look on the bright side at least none of them would go naked when it's only you two in the room

Y/n:Rias actually sleeps with me Friday, Saturday, and Sunday ... and she always sleeps naked





???:... well then ... guess your skrewd both figuratively and literally

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