Familiars pt 3

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As soon as we were in the familiar forest Asia and raynare looked around to see that the forest looked like one of those forests in any horror film

Asia:this place seems creepy

She then grips onto my right arm while raynare does the same for my left

Y/n:oh relax this place is safe so you don't have to worry about anything

As soon as I said that a man with brown hair emerging from a purple cap, a white tank top, yellow backpack, brown cargo shorts with a purple sweater wrapped around the waist, white socks with black and white sneakers, and a pair of black fingerless gloves stood on a branch scaring the girls into gripping me tighter

Togi:Hello I am the master of familiars aka the Togi. If your goal is familiars galore, you've come at the right time, that's for sure the full moon is out to help you decide, and I'll be the one to act as your guide!

Raynare:oh great he rhymes fucking perfect

Y/n:watch your language raynare

Togi: Now how can I help you? Tell me all your wants and desires! A strong one, a fast one, one that likes to set fires?

Asia:I want a cute one who is fun to be around

Togi: fun! done and done!

Y/n:well how about you raynare do you want one?

Raynare:no I prefer to do things by myself

Togi:Anyway follow me for the familiar you desire!

With that said he walked into the forest with everyone following him. I was about to go with them until my head suddenly started to hear more voices then usual

???:home sweet home!

???:I'm finally back at this dump

???:aahhh the sight of burnt trees the one thing that puts a smile on my face

???:I want to visit home

All ???:let's go home!

When the voices stopped my eyes turned black and white then I walked towards the other side of the forest

After a while of walking I stopped to see a clearing with a pond and a small mountain. For a while I was confused and wondered why I was here until suddenly multiple elemental dragons appeared all around the clearing which made me look at the sight wide eyed which continued when a being bigger then all of the dragons flew down. As soon as it's feet touched the ground they all disappear as if they weren't here in the first place

Y/n:... what is this place

For a while I just stood there trying to take in what happened just now. Which stopped when I heard a scream making me snap out of it and run towards the direction of the scream

When I got there I saw... something which made me immediately look away

The thing I saw was the girls being in a bondage situation while green slime evaporates there clothes all while the only guy here had his eyes covered by the slime

Rias: oh kiba thank goodness help us get rid of this slime!

Y/n:o-o-ok but um can you please cover yourself with something since I can see... everything

Raynare:who cares!? Now take this stuff off of us or It's going to do something worse then this!

Y/n:fine fine fine just stand still

I say while my black bladed wing formed on my back then I made a magic circle made of black flames

Y/n:burn to cinders!

With a simple command a onslaught of black flames came out of my circle and incinerated everything but the girls. Once it stopped I looked to see the slime gone... but that also included what was left of the girls clothes and trees behind them. Not wanting to see them like this I quickly looked away while my black wing disappeared

Y/n:why did it also burn there clothes. Why did it also burn there clothes. Why did it also have to burn there damn clothes also!

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