The phonex's arrival

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Y/n:I can't believe they actually did that

I say while walking to the club room. talking to the man who still didn't give me his name

???:well it's believable if you knew what you did that night

Y/n:yeah but WHAT did I do since I can't remember a single thing from that night

???:you know I would tell you buuut It's more fun to see you guess what you did

Y/n:oh come on don't be like tha-

Before I could finish my sentence I suddenly froze in shock when I felt a demonic energy similar to a ultimate class devil beyond the door

Y/n:that's weird why is a ultimate class devil here of all places

Not going to waste my time thinking about it I opened the door to see Rias, akeno, koneko, asia, raynare and grayfia

She is a beautiful woman appearing to be in her early twenties, with silver hair and red eyes. Her hair, which flows all the way down to her back, features a long braid on each side with small blue bows at the ends, while the rest is let down, ending in twin braids, She is wearing a blue and white French maid outfit with long sleeves and a white maid headband over her head, with red lipstick as a cosmetic accessory

As soon as I got in I decided to take a seat next to asia and koneko while raynare finally decided to say something

Raynare:so anyway Rias can you explain why we are here?

Grayfia:do you want me to tell them Rias?

Rias:no it's my peerage so I should tell them ... everyone the reason your here is beca-

Before she can finish her sentence a red magic circle suddenly appear behind her and from it a blond haired man with green eyes wearing a white button up shirt which was open up to reveal his chest and has black pants come out of it

(Yes I know it's not a good description but he deserves it)

Riser:ahh the mortal world it's been so long since riser has been here

After a while of looking around he stopped when his eyes landed on Rias which made him start to smirk

Riser:well if it isn't my wonderful Rias it's been so long since we saw each other

He said while sitting next to Rias and stroke her thigh which made me unconsciously get out my sacred gear making my gauntlet and glove appear along with my black and white bladed wings which I quickly hide

Rias:what do you want riser since I'm sure that the wedding was said to be in a few years not now

Riser:that's true but our families decided to make the wedding be more early then expected

Rias:tch oh course they would also could you stop that already!

She said while smacking risers hand off of her leg

Riser:oh come on Rias if you and riser are going to get married you have to start enjoying this or else this is going to be more difficult

Rias:The day I enjoy you of all people touching me is the day Great red is killed by a chicken

When she said that the smirk on risers face was replaced with a scowl while flames come out of him

Riser:it looks like you don't know what kind of situation you are in Rias so let me remind you. You are the bride to someone of the great Phoenix clan and you don't have a choice on the matter and the only choice you do have is to suck it up and do as Riser says!

Grayfia:actually she does have a choice



Grayfia:Rias Gremory your family proposed that if you want to not be married to riser then you have to challenge him to a rating game. If you win it then the marriage contract between you and riser is no more but if riser wins you have to marry him immediately

Rias:if that is my only choice then ... I will gladly accept it to be rid of him

Grayfia:good and what about you riser do you accept it?

Riser:hm may as well

Grayfia:Good then after this I will tell lord Lucifer about your match

With that decided riser then looked at all of us questioningly

Riser:tell me Rias is this your peerage?

Rias:besides raynare and Asia yes why?

Riser:hehehehe cause riser has a full peerage!

He then snapped his fingers and suddenly a magic circle appear below him and from it many different kinds of woman appear around him

Riser:oh what's the matter knight are you jealous of riser

Y/n:no I'm just wondering how much money you spent to get them on your peerage since there is no way anyone would willingly join you

Riser:what did you say knight!

He said enraged at how I responded to him

Y/n:I don't have to repeat myself. Now...

I Then got up from my seat then walk to the door

Y/n:if you excuse me I have to go study for our exams

Before I could touch the doorknob I was stopped by what riser said next

Riser:hm fine if you won't say anything then I won't tell you anything about your precious noel and makoto

As soon as I heard those words I stood there frozen in shock which was quickly replaced with rage. Faster then anyone could see I appeared infront of riser then lift him up by his neck

Y/n:how do you know those names!

While I was trying to get answers from him one of his peerage members try to attack me only for my wings to separate into multiple swords then stab her in the gut. And before anyone else in his peerage could do anything my swords pinned them to the ground

Y/n:ok since your peerage is now preoccupied tell me how do you know those names!

I say while choking riser making him have a hard time breathing

Grayfia:y/n if you don't let him go then I will be forced to intervene!

For a while I just stood there wondering what should I do. After a few minutes I threw riser to the wall then walk to the door

Asia:um y/n where are you going?

Y/n:... I'm going to go train so I can rip off a birds wings

With that said I got out of the club room while my eyes started to turn to slits and now were permanently black and white

(So what do you think of the chapter good? Bad? Meh? tell me in the comments)

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