~11~ (UPDATED 02/10/2020)

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Ethan considered the people who said they saw stars when they experienced extreme sensations. That stuff wasn't believable to him because it made no sense.

          Listening to her cry out in pain and in the same breath beg him to never stop was the first occasion when Ethan saw stars. With each stroke, whimper, moan, groan, or plea... Ethan saw stars. With each dig or jab forcing the tightness to pull him deeper, he saw stars. When he felt her hips buck and grind against him, he saw nothing but stars. When she reached the pinnacle of her climactic peak, Ethan was one hundred percent sure he saw stars. 

          He closed his eyes as he held her hips as he allowed himself to merge with the woman who eased his anger, frustration, confusion, and fears. Valerie broke those worries down until they no longer existed. He held on tight to her because she was the one person he trusted with his life and his heart, so he made sure she witnessed exactly what he had already seen.

          "Look at me. Open your eyes," Ethan demanded. When Valerie's opened, he recognized the feverish look of euphoria. 

           With the final strokes, he saw beyond the stars and found paradise in her eyes. Ethan dug deep into her core and lost his grasp on reality as she wrapped her legs around his waist and clenched down hard. 

          Their bodies spasmed as if they were caught in an orgasmic epileptic fit. 



They stood before the magistrate at the Kaufman County Courthouse. Valerie had previously sent her brother and his wife an invitation, but of course, they let her down. Davison was angry when he found out his little sister had moved in with a white man. When he learned they were getting married, his anger turned into rage. His solution was to basically disown her because he didn't agree with her choices.

          No family members were present to represent Valerie on the day she and Ethan tied the knot. If it weren't for her fiance calling his friends, there would've been no close family or friends to witness their union.

          After a thirty-minute wait, she was pronounced Mrs. Valerie Oni Raye. Ethan showed her that he didn't care about the other people in the courthouse. His entire focus was on her and she had to admit it felt good to be treated as if she were the wife he always wanted. 

          "I promise I'll give you the wedding of your dreams. I want you to have all the best of what life has to offer, but I had to make you an honest woman in case you get pregnant. Just tell me what you want and I'll give it to you. Okay?" A smile sparkled in his clear eyes as he promised her the world and there was no doubt in her mind that he meant every word of it.

          Her happiness was everything to a man she never once imagined she would hold and promise herself to. It was a shame that once her parents were lost, Valerie forgot what it was like to be important to anyone besides herself.

          Valerie lived as if she had properly dealt with her grief, but that was nowhere near the truth. She was their baby girl, after all. Still hurting nearly three years after losing her foundation, the only person who realized she needed love and support was Ethan. Every day since she accepted his offer, he proved to her the importance her happiness played in his life.

          The tears streaming down her cheeks were a mixture of joy and sadness. She swore to herself to give them a chance. After suffering so long, she really needed him.

          He kissed away her tears. His lips traveled from her cheeks to consume her and assure her that nothing existed in the world to Ethan except Valerie.

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