Chapter 2

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Date: 18th of August 2011

Time: 2 a.m. New York Time Zone

Location: Perseus' room, Manhattan, New York

Percy pov

~ dream ~

I was afraid of what was about to happen in my dream this time. I thought it would be like the other nightmares, memories of Tartarus. What I didn't expect though was the beautiful beach shore I was walking along.

The moon was shining down on me, a silvery glow reflected from the water. The sand on the beach looked as white as snow under the light.

I was taking in the soft sea breeze and the calming sounds of the waves hitting the beach as I spotted my father, Poseidon. He was sitting on a blanket, just a few feet ahead of me.

I was curious as to why he would join my dreams, so I lazily walked up to him and sat down.

"Percy, my boy. how are you doing?" He asked in his smooth, deep voice.

His face held a very kind smile, but I could see in his eyes that he was afraid of something. As I looked at him, I couldn't help but be amazed how alike we both were.

We both had black hair, deep see green eyes (but his held way more power in them), tanned skin (but mine was paler because of the time I spent in Tartarus), and other facial features like the high cheek bones.

"I am fine, dad." I said.

I knew this was a lie.

Yesterday my girlfriend, Annabeth Chase, the daughter of Athena, broke up with me. She said that it didn't work anymore between us, that I was holding her back. And the worst of it? I understood her.

She overcame the memories and the flashbacks of Tartarus very quickly whereas I was still dealing with them. I was, and still am, broken. She had started to heal on her own and I was holding her back.

I still was haunted by the memories, by the things I had seen, and I was very certain I wouldn't be forgetting them any time soon. So we agreed to end it between us. We decided to try and restart as friends after getting some distance from each other.

"I can see that this isn't true, Percy. You are very sad and your eyes, they look... broken. What is it?" He asked gently, worry showing in his face.

I thought about lying to him. I could just say that I was fine, that this was nothing to worry about. But I knew that it would be a lie. And my father knew it as well. Also, it probably wouldn't be that good of an idea if I lied to the god of the sea, storms, and earthquakes.

"I...I don't know what to do anymore. I am worthless right now. Mom and Paul are building their own family now, even going to be parents and I don't want to endanger my little brother or sister. Annabeth broke up with me, not that I can blame her. And you know, I defeated Gaea in the war, the power I displayed was nothing an ordinary, a normal demigod should be able to do. I was controlling fucking blood, for gods' sake!"

I hadn't noticed I was crying until I felt a wet streak slide down my cheek.

"And now they are afraid of you, huh?" He asked quietly. I merely nodded.

Nearly all my friends grew distant. And like I said, I wouldn't, I couldn't blame them. But then I noticed that he surely wasn't here to listen to my problems. So I wondered what he was doing here.

"Uhm, thanks for listening, dad. But if you don't mind me asking, why are you here? I mean, it is nice to talk, but surely this isn't why you needed to see me." I asked suspiciously. Every time when I got godly visits in my dreams, they meant nothing good.

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