tea party

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"Hi, Sam," the Chief  mumbled, towing his little girl into the shape shifters home

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"Hi, Sam," the Chief  mumbled, towing his little girl into the shape shifters home. Lorainne  looked up at the wolf, a big, big smile on her face.

"Hi, Sam!" She half yelled, using her free hand to wave very fast at him. Sam let out a quiet laugh, smiling at his imprint.

"Hi, Lorainne." Lorainne rolled her eyes as her dad let her arm go.

"Don't call me Lorainne,  that's so formal." She ignored her father's pleas for her to stop  talking. "Call me something else - like Lori! No one calls me Lori! That  can be my special nickname from you!"

Sam couldn't keep the  smile on his face from widening. "Of course, Lori it is. Hey," Sam said,  seeing the Chief give him a look.

"Why don't you go into  the living room and watch some TV? I'll bring in a few snacks in a  couple minutes." Lori nodded, giving her dad a hug and a kiss on the  cheek goodbye. She sprinted into the other room, and within seconds he  heard the TV turned on, and heard Lori channel surfing.

"Look, kid," Charlie  said, looking Sam directly in the eyes. "It isn't that I don't trust  you, but I want to make sure that you are going to keep my daughter  safe. So, she's only going to stay here for two hours today. I wrote  down a list of everything not to do with her. I'll be back to pick her  up at 2." Charlie gave Sam an awkward salute and walked out the door,  leaving the paper on the counter. Sam went and unfolded it.

- Do not give her sugar. She will tear up the walls if you do.

- She is deathly  allergic to shellfish and peanuts. and she loves the taste of peanut  butter and will eat it even though she knows her throat will close up  immediately. Do not let her near peanut butter.

- She loves Spongebob.

- 'Lorainne' is only  used when you are talking to her about a serious matter. Or she is in  trouble. If you are talking to her about something that is important,  call her Lorainne. She will listen and she will not interrupt or ignore what you are saying.

- She is not allowed  to drink milk. She is not allergic, nor is she lactose intolerant, but  milk makes her throw up. She will still try and drink it anyway.

- Anna likes to climb trees. Especially ones she knows she will fall out of if she tries to climb it.

-Anna will tell you that it's OK for her to eat ice cream for breakfast, that her dad lets her. This is not true.

- Medicine is taken  as soon as she wakes up and right before she goes to bed. She will not  want to take it because she doesn't like the taste, but she needs to  take it no matter what.

"Sam?" Sam was  interrupted reading the very long list (that he assumed was written for  the future play dates, also) by Lorainne tugging on his shirt. He looked  down to her.

"Yes?" Sam said, giving her a small smile.

"Could you bring some chips over? Oh, do you have salsa? Chips and salsa." Sam looked to his cabinets.

"I think I might, Jared loves to eat chips."

"Who's Jared?"

Charlie Swan walked up  to Sam Uley's house and stood outside the front door, debating on  whether or not he should just open the door or if he should knock. His  instinct decided for him when he heard Lorainne scream. shoving the  front door open, he ran into the living room to see a man he does not  know throwing Lorainne up in the air. The man caught her and looked  towards the chief with a look of shock.

"You're not Sam," Charlie said smartly. Lorainne pushed herself away from the man's face and onto the ground.

" Sam is in the bathroom, this is Jared, one of his friends. Sam said he likes to eat all the food in his house -"

" OK, little bird,  that's enough information," Jared laughed, picking her up and dropping  her back onto the couch. He walked up to Charlie and put his hand out  for him to shake. Charlie extended his, also.

"Hi, chief, I'm Jared.  Sorry about not telling you I was coming over, I just popped in  uninvited and Sam needed to shower after a cookie baking session went  all over the kitchen and himself. Somehow," Jared put on a thinking  face, turning towards Lorainne, who giggled. "Somehow this little bird  stayed clean."

Charlie smiled at Jared warily. "Are you like Sam?" He whispered to the boy, and Jared nodded. Charlie sighed.

"Are there any more of you?"

"Not at the moment, sir. But there will be."

"And I will make sure to  introduce you before they just waltz into my home and meet Lorainne,"  Sam said while he walked down his stairs. Charlie nodded his head.

" well, it's time to go.  Anna, go say your goodbyes." Lorainne huffed, but listened to her  father. Once she was done saying goodbye to Jared and Sam, and  completing the process with hugs, she walked out the door and stood on  the porch, waiting for her father.

" I don't know how often  these 'play dates' will be, but I'm slowly trusting you and wrapping my  head around all of this. you're a good guy Sam, this is just a lot to  process. But I won't keep you away from her, as long as you treat her  like an 11-year-old. Goodbye, Sam." with one final waive, Charlie took  Lorainne home in his police cruiser.

"That wasn't as bad as  you had been imagining it would be," Jared said, coming up behind his  Alpha with a mouth full of chips. Sam nodded.

"It wasn't, thank the spirits."

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