When You Realize You've Become a Mean Girl

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The book of the week is:

Book Title:

When You Realize You've Become a Mean Girl... and What Comes Next

Author: CatherineDeynes

Genre: Chicklit

Rating: Warm

Link: Click the external link at the bottom or you can find the book listed on the profile's reading list.

Short Summary:
It isn't every day that you find yourself waking up and realizing "Hey, I'm a mean girl." I could make sure people like you didn't make their way into our circle and I was very good at it. You wanted to sit with us? No thank you. You wanted to talk to one of us? Sorry, no can do. You wanted to collaborate on a school project? I. Don't. Think. So... nothing personal. It's just, look at you and look at me? Do you really belong here?

That's the age-old question, isn't it? Do you really belong here? What does that even mean anyway? Of course, you belong here...right? You might be wondering why I'm telling you this. If you are patient I will explain. In order to tell you, I have to share some dark stuff. You might not want to hear it. If you don't, that's alright, I don't really care. I'm a mean girl after all. If you are interested in finding out how a person becomes "mean" than don't go anywhere. Things are about to get interesting...

Possible Triggers: Violence

Strongest Writing Trait: Dialogue

Weakest Writing Trait: Grammar

Help request:
I would like to improve the way that I present myself. Does the story flow? Are you able to follow the main concepts the main character is trying to convey? Are there portions of the book that could benefit from a revision? Are there portions that should be expanded upon?


You have a minimum of one week to read as many chapters as you can/want. We ask that you read a minimum of 3-5 chapters in order to get a good feel for the author's work. Once you've finished reading you may use the critique questions to guide you through your review and feedback.

If you have any questions, please let us know. Otherwise, just have fun!

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