Closed! See you next year!

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As of September 21st, 2019 the book club is closed.

Fear not. We will reopen on January 2020.

The account will remain active and we're still accepting members.

We'll still be around to answer your messages and interact with you.

For existing members or visitors, you're welcomed to read all the books we've featured over the year. All reviews are still being accepted. If you've missed one, now is the time to catch up.

During the cooling period, we'll be looking into finding more ways to make this club more fun. We'll hopefully be more organized and have more people joining our family. 

Soon we'll have a mini-survey up for the public to tell us their thoughts and suggestions on how to make this club better. Let us know what you want and we'll consider it.

Until then, 

Happy Halloween

Happy Thanksgiving

Merry Christmas


Have a happy New Year!

From your Mistresses,

~ V & T ~



Erotic Book Club (E.B.C) 2019Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin