Chapter Five

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"Edgar!" Allie exclaimed, feigning surprise as she gathered herself up and put even more distance between herself and Richard Kensington, which only further drew his attention to the situation they were in. He narrowed his eyes suspiciously at them, for it was not exactly normal for a man and a woman to be meeting in a dark corner without there being a more clandestine element to it all. To shift the direction of his attentions, she decided to steel her resolve and say something to embarrass him "I did not expect to see you here, at my sister's home, of all places."

To his—limited— credit, he had the simple decency to at least appear mildly ashamed as everything sunk in. It really was not good of him to do such a thing, especially as only a single year had passed since he'd dashed all her hopes in a single blow, something he was well aware he'd done.

"Yes, my uncle made the suggestion and I couldn't very well refuse him, could I?" He asked, in a more condescending tone than she would have liked or could stand, especially as she most definitely deserved, at the minimum, courteous treatment and civility from him.

"It would do you credit to speak more politely to a lady." Richard advised in a drawling tone, but there was an edge of seriousness to both his voice and his rigid stance. If she didn't know any better, she'd almost think he was being protective of her and her honour.

"And who might you be?" Edgar demanded, bordering on the precipice of rudeness, and Allie could sense that her companion was quite close to bursting. His annoyance had risen considerably, and she did not blame him for Edgar's behaviour could be considered as being disrespectful.

"Might I introduce Master Richard Kensington, heir to the Dukedom of Exeter?" Allie offered innocently, delighting in the way Edgar's eyes widened as she stressed upon the title. Before he could break into grovellings, she continued on to introduce him, "Master Richard, I'm sure you'll be delighted on making the acquaintance of Mr. Edgar Bennett of Pritchard Park."

"Master Richard, it is an honour." Edgar said hastily, his entire demeanour changing drastically as he bowed rather lowly. He had always been fond of making as many friends as he could in high places. He, however, was not very good at keeping them.

"Lady Alexandra," Richard addressed her in an exceedingly formal tone, ignoring Edgar entirely, "I believe I can hear music coming from the parlour and, if I am not mistaken, there is sure to be dancing. Would you do me the honour of dancing with me?" Before Allie could consider the advantages and disadvantages of doing such a thing with a man whom she had very recently dismissed as being a rake, she found herself nodding and taking his muscled arm, barely sparing a backwards glance at Edgar. She couldn't bring herself to look at him, for the sight brought back such painful memories that it was difficult even to keep a straight face.

Perhaps she would stay till dinner, complain of a headache and then retire to the room at Hawthorne Hall that she normally used. Yes, that was quite a good idea.

"Thank you." Alexandra murmured to her brooding companion who, torn from his thoughts, glanced down at her, surprised. She hadn't imagined that the day would come where she would actually thank him, much less that the day would come so soon after she had made a solemn internal proclamation to dislike him till the end of her days.

They reentered the parlour, and found that about two couples were indeed dancing. Edgar was almost immediately behind them, and she saw him as he brushed past her when they stopped for a moment upon stepping into the room.

"It is quite alright, milady, and it was fully my pleasure." He informed her, grinning rakishly in a way that, once again, tugged at her poor heart. He was entirely too handsome for his own good. "Now, would you do me the pleasure of fulfilling your promise of a dance?"

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