Chapter Nine

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For the next two weeks, Allie did not notice as time practically flew past, all her attention being on her family. In particular, her niece and nephews. Kit was sorting out some issues with his tenants while Cassandra, Nate and Emily spent nearly all their time on little Alex. In fact, Emily had not even had to go through the process of searching for a nanny, for Cassie was there to help her whenever she needed it.

While Henry and Juliette did have a maid to run after them when their parents weren't able to do so, Allie found that playing with them was a pleasant diversion. In fact, she had nothing better to do.

Although there had been multiple social events since Alex's birth, Nate and Emily could not attend for obvious reasons. Kit and Cassandra were not particularly interested in doing so, but had said they were willing to chaperone Allie if she wished to. However, she didn't mind skipping them at all. No longer did she enjoy balls much, for they were filled with people who were nothing if not boring.

The only good thing about balls was the dancing, but Allie's favourite dance partner was regrettably absent, having thrown himself from his horse for all she knew.

She quickly dressed, donning a pretty pink day dress. Her corset, as she was only going to be home all day, was loose and perfect for running after the children if she had to. She left her hair loose, and allowed it to fall in curls down her back. Tying it up was far too much of a hassle.

"Would you like breakfast in your chamber or downstairs, milady?" Dottie, the maid who had come in to assist Allie dress, asked and Allie replied that she would take breakfast in the dining room with the others.

Emily was up and about, her son asleep in a bassinet by the table. Juliette and Henry, awed by the little creature, were peering into the bassinet, both barely tall enough to see over the edge. Cassandra was buttering some toast while Kit was cracking a hard boiled egg with his fork. Nate, on the other hand, was reading a newspaper while drinking a cup of tea.

"Good morning!" Allie greeted as she took her usual seat to Cassandra's right, slightly disappointed at the fact that there were no scones. They were certainly her favourite breakfast. A chorus of the same greeted her and Nate passed her the toast.

Breakfast was a light-hearted affair with a joking atmosphere. Allie found herself in peals of laughter by the end of it, amused both by the antics of her brother and her niece, as the latter ceaselessly asked the former questions about her new cousin, nearly all of them incredibly entertaining for neither could understand the other very well at all.

Halfway through the morning meal, a footman entered the room, bowing before he spoke, presenting a platter with it to Allie, which was odd considering that the mail had already arrived a while back, "Lady Alexandra, a letter has arrived for you."

She glanced at the envelope as she turned it over in her hands. Her name and address were written in neat, if a little hurried, writing. The symbol pressed into the wax seal was an unfamiliar one, but it all made sense once she was able to place the familiar handwriting. It was a letter from Richard! She exhaled in relief as she all but tore the envelope open, thanking the Lord that he was alive. She hoped he was injured, though; he rather deserved it for making her worry so.

It was a short letter, one that neither began to explain his five week long absence nor contain an apology for his complete silence. It made her want to leap with happiness and strangle him, too.

Dear Alexandra,
I hope this letter finds you well. I have been in Exeter for the last few weeks. It is imperative that we meet. Might I call on you on Saturday?

"What is wrong with him?" She demanded, fuming, under her breath as the others watched, clearly confused as to what had made her so angry. "Really, what does he think of himself?"

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