Chapter Ten

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"What?" Alexandra demanded, her mouth dropping open as she stared at Richard, unable to make sense of what he was asking her. Did he fancy himself in love with her? "I-I'm sorry. I care for you very much and I do love you but you are my friend. I apologise, but I do not see you in that lig—"

"It isn't like that." Richard interrupted, appearing defeated. He had drained the last of his tea and, upon placing it down, he massaged his temples, sighing slightly. "There is more to this that I wish to tell you, if you would not mind listening."

There was a nervous lump in her throat, and she found she couldn't speak. So, she nodded her assent, looking downwards and smoothing down her skirt, praying that his explanation would make it less confusing than it was.

"My father is ill." He began, looking away and blinking harshly. If she wasn't mistaken, his eyes seemed to glaze over with unshed tears, causing her heart to clench painfully in her chest as her mind raced to think of ways to ease his pain. "He is on his deathbed. He said that nothing would have made him happier than to see me settled down and with a wife and that fact that I am not is his life's only regret."

At seeing the moroseness in his eyes, Allie knew that she would do anything he asked of her now, without hesitation or question.

"From the way it now appears, the physician says that he does not have longer than two months at the most." Richard confessed, his pain evident in every part of him, from his tone to his features to his slouched frame. "If the worst comes to pass, we would not even have to marry. I ask this humbly and without expectations of a positive answer— will you become my betrothed long enough for my father to be happy?"

"Would it make you happy?" Alexandra questioned before she could stop herself. Her reply, she knew, was entirely dependent on how he would answer this question.

"It would." Richard confirmed, and she nodded, her eyes clearly telling him that her answer was affirmative. Instantly, he sighed relievedly, and one of the tears he'd been trying so hard to keep at bay escaped, trailing down his cheek, making her wish for nothing more than to wipe it, for he made no motion to do so himself. "Thank you." He said, his words weighted and heavy.

"If there is anything you ever need from me, all you must do is ask and I shall always do my best to provide it." Allie promised, finally garnering the courage to reach out and place her hand over Richard's.

Another tear slipped, but this one was accompanied by a small, wry smile as Richard spoke, "You're a true friend, Alexandra. Woe betide the man who ever underestimates your goodness. I will be grateful to you for your generosity for the rest of my life."

"What, shall some months warrant a lifetime of gratitude?" She asked with a raise of her eyebrow, brushing aside Richard's attempts to thank her. It was barely any difficulty to do something like this for a friend.

"Bringing true happiness to the most important person in my life is what warrants a lifetime of gratitude." He corrected her, turning his hand over and clasping hers, allowing their fingers to intertwine in an intimate gesture that sent a chill she did not understand up her spine.

"You deserve this and much more, Richard." She informed him, squeezing his hand tightly. "I am not complaining, but I must ask, why is it that you asked me and not anyone else? Have you not known Lady Annaliese much longer?"

"Annaliese is a friend of mine, and a good one at that, but she isn't the sort who would ever do anything like this for me. She isn't as selfless as you are and you are possibly the only soul who would accept an offer such as this and consider it nothing. Besides, my father—" Richard swallowed, faltering, before he continued, "My father would not believe that I would ever marry Annaliese or, in fact, anyone like her. He could only imagine me marrying someone like you. I agree with him."

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