Chapter 62

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Beuren woke, no longer in the tunnel. Slowly, she sat up, golden coins slipping off of her and clanking to the floor. The back of her head throbbed, a knot forming where Thorin had clocked her. She felt around for blood, taking in its size. 

"Hilt." She noted, the bump no bigger than the rounded end on the hilt of Thorin's sword.

"Bastard." How he'd managed to hide her below the stairs without Smaug catching him she didn't know, but she was going to hide his body in that same place when she was through with him.

A roar resonated from somewhere above her. Hurriedly, she climbed to her feet, stumbling up the stairs and further into the mountain. She scoured the endless bridges and walkways in search of her companions. When her eyes landed on the furthest path, she watched as Thorin slowly began to cross, turning this way and that in search of the dragon. They kept low, careful to not make any noise. That was when she saw the looming shadow over them. Smaug in all his destructive glory, was sure to find them now. Beuren ran to the center of the walkway before her, taking a deep breath before letting out a shout. 

"Over here, you great ugly newt!" Smaug's head snapped in her direction, as did the company's. 

"You're not a dwarf." 

"No, but apparently I'm as dumb as one." He hastily began making his way for her. As she turned to run she paused, looking back over her shoulder. "Lost?" she began to panic. "How can I be lost?!" Beuren sprinted forward, hoping that the passage she took led her to the throne room. 

"Please don't be lost, please don't be lost, please don't be lost." Beuren didn't have time to react when she saw Thorin step around the corner. She ran head long into him, causing them to both collapse. With a groan, she stood up, realization hitting her. "YOU!" Her hands wrapped around his throat. "HOW DARE YOU! I COULD HAVE BEEN KILLED!"

"'t-" Dwalin and Gloin fought to pry her off of him. Balin looked around the corner, making sure that the Dragon hadn't heard her outburst. "Where the hell have you been?"
"Right where you left me you son of a bitch!" She struggled against Dwalin's strength, his arms pinning her to his chest, her arms at her sides. 

"What are you talking about?" He rose to his feet. "When I went looking for you down that tunnel you were gone." 

"Gone?" She froze, baffled by his lies. "You knocked me out and left me under the stairs for Mahal, Smaug, and everyone else to see!" 

"Mahal woman, you've gone entirely mad." 

"MAD?" She whisper-yelled. "I've gone mad?" 

"Now is not the time, go!" Balin pointed to the nearing dragon. 

The company dashed forward into a room Beuren knew all too well, the guardroom. She waited outside as everyone filed in, bringing up the rear to make sure no one was left behind. Backing into the room, her back pressed firmly against the unmoving form of Bilbo Baggins. Frustrated, she whirled around to tell him to move when she saw what had stayed him. 

The room was filled with decayed, mummified corpses. Cobwebs were draped across them like blankets, spiders scurrying this way and that. No one dared even breath as they took in the sight. Mothers clutching their young, swaddled babes in their arms. Armored guards, following their duty and standing before their charges. Several small children were huddled in the corner, their dusty clothes hanging loosely from half decayed skeletons. 

Beuren had never seen such a sight. It seemed to rattle her harder than any battle she'd ever fought. Made her stomach clench in knots before plummeting to her toes. A chill ran up her spine, making the hair on her arms and the back of her neck stand on end. Her mouth began to water, forcing her to cover her mouth in an attempt to keep from hurling. 

"That's it, then. There's no way out." Dwalin said, shoulder's falling in defeat. The far wall had caved in, trapping those trying to flee from getting to the other side of the guardroom where a passageway out of the mountain once stood.

"The last of our kin. They must have come here, hoping beyond hope." Balin reached out, patting Beuren's back to comfort her. "We could try to reach the Mines. We might last a few days."

"No. I will not die like this. Cowering, clawing for breath." Thorin turned from the bodies. "We make for the forges."

"He'll see us, sure as death." Dwalin argued. 

"Not if we split up."

"Thorin, we'll never make it." Balin protested, trying to reason with the unreasonable. 

"Some of us might. Lead him to the forges. We kill the dragon. If this is to end in fire, then we will all burn together."

"I can give you all a head start." Beuren piped up, looking to Balin. "Give you as much of a chance as possible." 

"Beuren, no." Dwalin took her arm. "No." 

"Listen to me." She looked to Thorin now, knowing that he'd have the ultimate say. "I am the fastest out of all of us-"

"Beuren-" Bilbo interjected. 

"Quiet." She snapped. "I am the quickest out of us all. If I can keep his attention, even if only a moment, I can buy you guys more time to get to the forges. I'll meet you there." 

"Thorin, please, don't let her do this." Balin almost begged. The king did not listen. 

"Go. Balin, Bilbo, you're with me." Beuren quickly bent down, retying her boots as tight as she could-just to be safe. When she rose, she removed her belt, tucking in her shirt and abandoning her sword, her quiver lay beside it, all her weapons-and weight-now gone. 

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