Chapter 76

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Azog appeared grinning menacingly as he drug the eldest brother behind him like a ragdoll. Bloodied and broken, Fili looked as if he's had all the fight beat out of him. Thorin, Dwalin, and Bilbo all stared in horror as Azog began to speak, what they didn't know, but the way he looked at Fili gave them the impression that it wasn't good. Kili emerged from the lower tunnel, looking to Thorin. Seeing that Thorin was not looking at him, he looked up, seeing the bottom of Fili's boots. 

Dwalin was shoved as she swept between them. Beuren strode forward, staring at Azog with a malevolent smile. He glared down at her, having stayed his attempt to kill Fili. Her bandages were gone, left arm black from being snapped in half, she walked with a limp. It looked like hell had just spit her out. 

Beuren let out a battle cry, raising her sword. Atop of it, a head was skewered. Bolg. Azog stared in shock at the sight. Kili took action, firing an arrow up at Azog's arm. It nicked his hand, taking him by surprise. He dropped Fili, who fell to the ice in a heap. Azog roared in anger, a roar which Beuren returned. 

Azog stormed back into the keep, the shrieking of orcs echoed in the stronghold. Beuren took Fili's other arm and helped Kili get him across the ice. Thorin stared at her in shock. 

"Bilbo, you help him get Fili out of here. Dwalin, go with them, keep them safe. Nothing touches those boys."

"Yes, my lady." He led Kili and Bilbo down the hill as they dragged the barely conscious Fili between them. 

"Beuren..." She turned to Thorin. "Mahal." He took in her scorched appearance. 

"Thank Smaug." She snarked. He took her good arm, pulling her towards him. "Woah, woah, woah!" He stopped. "Save it for after the battle, Prince Charming." She nodded into the mist at the foot of the keep. 

Azog stood, breathing heavy, eyes furious. Beuren flicked her sword, sending Bolg's head skidding across the ice, stopping at Azog's feet. He growled, turning his attention back to Beuren and Thorin. As he made his way across the ice, Thorin looked at Beuren. 

"What's your plan?"

"Well my plan was that Kili wouldn't fucking miss." Thorin laughed, a funny sound given their situation. "New plan." She took his hand dashing across the ice in the opposite direction.

"This is a terrible idea!" Thorin shouted at her. "We have no cover!"

"Neither does he!" She snarled back. They stood now at the edge a frozen waterfall. No cover in sight. Azog charged, Beuren dove as Thorin took the brunt of the hit, his sword blocking Azog's arm-blade. He shoved Thorin back, causing him to slide across the ice. Whirling around, he took a stab at Beuren, missing and stabbing the ice. 

Beuren rolled from beneath him, armed with only a dagger and her rage, she swung at his throat. Azog leaned back, escaping the blade. Thorin leapt back into battle slicing at the back of Azog's ankles. The Pale Orc saw the attack coming, dealing a nasty kick to Thorin's chest. The elf leapt to her feet, lunging at Azog. He blocked her attack, taking her by the throat and lifting her above his head. 

She thrashed and kicked, but his grip was too strong. As darkness began to fade the edges of her vision, Azog was tackled to the ground. Coughing, Beuren took up her dagger once more and moved once again towards Azog. He had Thorin pinned down, kneeling over him. She wrapped her arm around Azog's shoulders, stabbing the dagger through her hand into his chest to make sure she wasn't going anywhere. Wrapping her legs around him, she pressed her palm to the side of his head. He cried out, stopping his attack on Thorin, who'd taken a fair number of blows to the face. Beuren could see every memory, every single one. She remembered them all still, from the first time she'd surprised him, but with her new-found wrath, she dug ever deeper into his head.

Azog shouted, leaping to his feet and stumbling about. It seemed as though he'd been training just for this as he reached behind him and tried to grab at her hair to reef her off of him. Beuren leaned, making sure he couldn't get a hold of her. Angry and pained, he threw himself backwards, falling flat on his back and crushing Beuren beneath him. She gave a screech, the cracking ribs sending a pang of pain throughout her small form. Azog rolled off of her, dealing a few good punches before Thorin tackled him yet again. 

Thorin and Azog struggled, Azog inevitably winning due to his strength. Thorin was sent sliding towards the edge of the waterfall, sword kicked from his hand. Weaponless, Beuren crawled forward, taking hold of the hilt of the sword. Azog's fist met her cheek, sending her head cracking against the ice. She moaned, vision blurring as she fought to keep her consciousness.
Below them, Legolas Greenleaf-son of Thranduil-notched his bow and fired at the were-bat diving at Tauriel. They'd met Bilbo, Kili, Fili, and Dwalin halfway down Ravenhill. He'd taken it upon himself to try and help Beuren, a long-time friend of his. His attention had been caught by Tauriel's shouts for aid, a were-bat had attacked her. 

When he looked back, he saw the King on the edge of the waterfall, weaponless and with all odds against him. There was no way he'd make it up there in time, not even at his fastest could he stop Azog now, or could he? He unsheathed Orchrist, the sword he'd taken off of Thorin upon their first meeting. With all his might, he threw the blade towards Thorin. 

The glint was what caught Thorin's attention, Azog's eyes flitted towards the flying sword too. Thorin reached his arm out behind him, catching the hilt of the sword. He swung at Azog, causing him to leap backwards. Beuren, on her hands and knees, tripped the orc, sending him to his back. Thorin leapt to his feet, plunging Orchirst deep into Azog's chest. A silence had fallen over the three of them. It was a short-lived silence, however. The sound of tearing flesh resonated off the ice. 

A gasp left Thorin's lips. 

Beuren screamed. 

Azog roared.


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