Chapter 69

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"I'm not hungry." 

"Thorin, mela en' haba, please eat. You haven't in days." She pleaded, stepping closer to him.

"I'm. Not. Hungry." 

"My love, this isn't healthy." He shoved past her and up the stairs into the throne room. She chased after him, bowl in hand. "Thorin, please, stop." Beuren reached out, her hand grabbing hold of his elbow. "Please." He whipped around stepping so close to her that he nearly knocked her down.

"Don't pretend that you care for me. My health." He snarled. 

"What are you talking about?" Beuren shook her head. "Thorin, you're the love of my life-my husband for Mahal's sake-"

"Husband?" He scoffed. "If you considered yourself my wife then where is your ring?" She looked to her hand, not having noticed it was missing. 

"It must have fallen off when I was running from Smaug. Or maybe when I tackled Bilbo-"

"Don't lie to me!" Thorin's voice was laced with venom when he spoke. "Don't think I haven't seen you two." She stared at him in confusion. "Feigning ignorance won't save you now." 

"Thorin I-" She blinked rapidly, fighting back tears. "Who, Thorin, me and who? Love I-I, I don't understand-"

"Dwalin, Beuren. I've seen you two. It hasn't escaped my sight." She almost gasped at the accusation. 

"D-Dwalin? Thorin, no. No, no, no. Thorin he's been taking care of me while you've been off searching for the Arkenstone. He was there on duty, nothing else." Thorin's eyes darkened.
"Of course, Thorin. He knows that I'm your wife." She said slowly, getting the sense that Thorin knew something she didn't. 

"You and I both know that's not true." 

"What are you implying?" 

"I've known for many years." He circled her. "He always took a fancy to you on the training grounds..."

"Because I was smaller than the rest of you and needed more training."

"In your line of work..."

"You were a prince then, you had your plate full already, of course he chose me to captain the guard."

"Even out of uniform,"

"We were all friends, Thorin... of course we spent time together. I can't tell you how many countless hours I spent with Balin in his study, reading old tomes and sipping tea. Or with Frerin, teaching him elvish so he could live out his dream of becoming an ambassador..." 

"Don't pretend you didn't know!" He shouted, knocking the bowl from her hands. "Deep down, you knew." He loomed over her, causing her to cower. 

"Thorin, you're talking nonsense..."

"Admit it, you knew."

"Knew what?!" 

"THAT YOU'RE HIS ONE!" The words seemed to hang in the air. Beuren could only hear her heart pounding in her ears and her shaky breathing. 

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