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Her feet hit the grassy terrain, moving on their own. They move towards three bags, all in close range of each other. She grabs one, it slows her down a moment before continues, grabbing the second and third.

Jace turns quickly, finding Rue running towards her. She throws one of the three bags towards her. It hits the ground with a soft thud before Rue picks it up, running towards her ally once more.

The two run past the chaos, Jace in the lead before she's tackled to the ground. When she looks up, she sees it is Marcus, who sits atop her lap, a machete heaved above his head.

Jace grabs her bag, which was knocked off when she was tackled, and swings it, hitting the large male across the face. It distracts him enough to push him off. Her brings her foot up, before bringing it down against his stomach multiple times.

A shriek pierces Jace's eardrum, forcing her to turn, seeing Rue having trouble with another tribute. A girl from District Seven she believes. Moving swiftly, Jace grabs the machete for the grass, sprinting over to the two.

She yanks District Seven by her hair, forcing her and Rue to separate. Jace wraps one arm around Seven's torso, as Jace's armed hand moves on its own, slicing the girl's throat open, before her body drops with a thud.

Jace grips Rue's hand tightly, pulling the little girl with her as they run off into the large array of landscape.

Blind Hope | cato hadley ✅Where stories live. Discover now