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When the final bell rings, I'm ready to go home

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When the final bell rings, I'm ready to go home. I'd almost forgotten how tiring first days can be when you're a new student, having to get used to how things work in a different place and learning a foreign schedule. Only I can't go home yet because, despite the fact that I have my license, I still don't have a car and my dad has to coach football practice.

I exit the school through the gym doors and make my way to the football field. My blond hair flies around my face with the wind and the ground is wet from early rain. My shoes will be covered in mud, no doubt.

I'm halfway to the football field when I hear footsteps approaching behind me. I turn to see who the newcomer is just as the person walking falls in line with me.

I look up to find a boy with golden brown hair and light green eyes, a boy who looks distinctly familiar. It's the boy from the hallway who almost ran me down. Jack Crawford. How could I forget Aster Pines' very own golden boy?

"Oh," I mutter sarcastically with an eye roll, unsure of how to feel of Jack's sudden presence. "It's you."

"You don't sound too pleased to see me," Jack teases, an odd gleam in his light green eyes. I don't know why the fact that he's bothered to speak to me at all is surprising, but for some reason it is.

"Maybe because I'm not?" I reply, rolling my eyes once again. "At least this time you didn't almost plow me over though. Congrats."

"Okay." Jack nods, biting the corner of his lip as a knowing expression washes over his features. "I deserved that."

I look over at him but don't bother to say a word. What is there to say, anyway? From everything I've heard about the infamous Jack Crawford, he's not exactly the type I want to make friends with.

"So, do you have a name, new girl?" Jack inquires abruptly, peering down at me with the faintest of smiles. I can feel his eyes on me, burning holes through my skin.

I roll my eyes yet again, a habit I've seemed to pick up in Jack's presence. "Doesn't everyone?"

"Exactly," he  agrees, as if I wasn't just making fun of him. "So, what's yours?"

"Morgan," I say against my better judgement. "Morgan Scott."

The way Jack's eyes widen at the reveal of my last name is priceless. He looks rather shocked as he questions, "You're the coach's daughter?"

"Yep," I admit with a smirk. "Do you have a problem with that?"

Jack raises his eyebrows as he peers down at me, his expression suggestive. "I don't know. Should I?"

I don't know why I get the feeling that he's flirting with me, but I do. The thought shocks me a little. I mean, if the way Lana acted about him during lunch was any indication, Jack's made quite a name for himself around here. So why would he be flirting with the girl whose name he didn't even know up until a few seconds ago?

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