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"I don't have anything to wear!" I cry into my phone, frustrated

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"I don't have anything to wear!" I cry into my phone, frustrated. It's seven-oh-eight P.M. on the dot, and I'm still trying to get ready for my date with Jack. It seems that every outfit I look at simply won't do, and it's safe to say I've begun to panic. Normally I don't care too much about my appearance, only I kind of want to look nice for my first official date with Jack.

I'm on the phone with Lana—who has been on an actual date before—standing in front of my closet, realizing that my usual sweatshirts and jeans aren't going to cut it tonight.

"Calm down, Morgan," Lana tells me with a laugh, sounding much less concerned than I am. "I'm sure you'll be able to make something work. Besides, it's just a date. You don't have to look perfect. Jack already likes you for you."

I know Lana means for her words to be reassuring, and yet they seem to have the opposite effect. "Yes, I do!" I hear myself snap as I drop t-shirt after t-shirt to the floor, shuffling through my closet. "Jack has seen me in sweatshirts and he's seen me all dressed up for homecoming. I have to meet somewhere in the middle of that!"

"Do you know where he's taking you?" Lana asks thoughtfully. "If it's somewhere nice, you could always wear your homecoming dress."

"Absolutely not!" I kick aside a pair of sneakers as I disagree with Lana, rummaging around the back of my closet. "I doubt Jack would take me somewhere formal. Besides, he's already seen me in that."

"Okay, okay. Jeez." Lana sighs on the other line, and I feel a little bad for taking out my frustrations on her. Then again, she could always just hang up on me if I become too much to deal with. If I were in her place, I'd understand. "Just wear something cute, then. It doesn't have to be dressy."

"I don't own anything cute!" I tell Lana in my frenzy. "Up until now, I don't think boys have ever even paid attention to me."

"That is so not true," Lana counters with a snort. "Don't you remember Kyler hitting on you your first day? And you had both Lucas and Jack Crawford crushing on you. I could write a list of boys that drool over you. Face it, Morgan. You're hot whether no matter what you wear."

Lana's words make me feel better, though I don't believe them for a second. It's a best friend's job to comfort the other in times of need, even if they have to tell a few little white lies. Which is obviously what Lana is doing now.

"Thanks, Lana. But that's not true."

Lana groans, and I just know that she's rolling her eyes at me. "Sometimes you're impossible! Would I lie to you?"

"Well, I would hope not. Even though you are right now."

"You're being annoying. Don't make me hang up on you."

"Not if I hang up first!" I tease, smirking to myself. "Bye! Love you!"

With that, I hang up the phone, as I seriously need to get dressed if I'm going to be ready for this date by the time Jack gets here. I continue to toss items out of my closet, trying to reach the back where I keep the clothes I never wear. Hopefully I'll be able to find something fitting. If not, I might take Lana's advice and seriously wear my homecoming dress. It's the only decent thing I own.

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