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"Another game won by the famous Jack Crawford," I tease with a smile as Jack walks toward where I'm standing by the edge of the bleachers, right next to the field gate

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"Another game won by the famous Jack Crawford," I tease with a smile as Jack walks toward where I'm standing by the edge of the bleachers, right next to the field gate. Night has since fallen as the football game has come to an end, and most of the spectators have began to head home. Though here I am, the last to leave—per usual.

"It wasn't all me," Jack clarifies as he approaches me, rolling his eyes. I notice the way he's smirking, which tells me he's at least slightly flattered by my praise. "I play with a team, you know."

"Well." I wrap my arms around his neck before I give myself a chance to finish my sentence, grinning up at him. The street lights offer a faint glow that surrounds the darkness of the bleachers, as if a spotlight is beaming down on us. The air smells of freshly mowed grass and popcorn from the concession stand. It's near completely silent around me and Jack, as we're the only two in this section of the seating area. "I was only watching you."

"And I could only hear you," Jack remarks, referencing how embarrassingly enthusiastic I can become while watching football games and totally ruining the moment. I can feel my cheeks beginning to flush, and Jack laughs at my visible discomfort. "I'm only teasing you, Scott," Jack murmurs, reaching a hand up to my cheek and brushing stray strands of hair behind my ear lightly. "Besides, it's cute that my girl cares so much."

Involuntarily, I find myself smiling at Jack's words, though my blush doesn't stray or fade. It's moments like these that I wish I could press pause on, to live in forever. That wouldn't be a bad way to spend eternity, not with Jack by my side, always there to make me smile.

"So," Jack murmurs after pressing a soft kiss to my lips, wrapping my hand in his. "There's this party going on tonight, and I was wondering if you'd maybe want to go?"

Jack knows as well as I do that parties aren't quite my forte. Especially considering what ended up happening after the last party I went to. But I'm not entirely opposed to going to another, because even the last party I'd gone to hadn't been completely terrible. Besides, I'd get to spend more time with Jack, and I know that he wants to get to celebrate his victory with his friends tonight.

"If you want too," I agree after thinking it over for a moment. "I guess I wouldn't mind. As long as you're driving, that is."

"Of course." Jack's light green eyes gleam brightly as they flicker down to mine, and I take notice of the mischievous glint in his irises immediately. "Besides, we both know I'm the better driver between the two of us."

"Oh, shut up." I shove Jack's shoulder as I roll my hazel eyes, biting back a smile. "I'm not that bad at it. Plus, my car is way cooler than yours. Technically, that should make me a better driver by default."

"Ouch." Jack mocks a wince, pouting as he puts on a show of being wounded for my amusement. "You don't think my Acura is cool, Scott?"

"As riveting as this conversation is, we don't have time for it, Crawford. You wanna go to that party or what?"

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