Chapter 5

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Our fathers are such assholes. They didn't even look for mom and now they blame her disappearance on their craziness. I understand the fact that without their mates, wolves don't do well, but it's their own fault! It's not like Mom asked to be rejected, she just avoided humiliation by leaving. Their note didn't even have her name on it, what kind of person rejects their mate through a note that calls her simply "She-wolf". Bastards . . .

Frank continued the line of conversation, "The Alphas hate any trespassers. No one knows who their mate was or what the story is. They visit us once a month because apparently our daughter had been friends with their mate or something." 

I hate the fact that our asshole fathers lie to everyone. I never wanted to meet them and now it seems I have no choice. Mom told us to see them and that's what I will do. I will make eye contact and leave. Mom should have been more precise with her instructions. We always listen to her, but we can take some orders more literally than others. We have the upper-hand in this situation, we know who they are and they don't us. 

I am worried about Emma. The last couple hours not withstanding, she is a girl of action, not diplomacy. Jackson is quiet until he is violent, and me, well, I'm blunt. Mom is the diplomatic one and without her, I think that we might do something stupid: like revealing Mom to our sperm donors, revealing our existence . . .

First, we have to reach out to Josh and Chris. I turn to my "grand father" and ask him, "Can we borrow your phone?" 

He answers, "Sure, we can talk more later." Frank hands over his phone unlocked and I leave the room. Once I feel like I am far enough away that no one can hear me, I dial Josh's number. For the first time, I'm glad that Mom forced to memorize some people's numbers or else I wouldn't know. 

Josh answered the phone after the fifth ring by saying, "This is Josh-"

I cut him off because I don't have time to waste, "It's Ethan."

"What do you need? Why are you calling from a strange phone? Why can't we feel Ava's link to the group anymore?" he questioned rapidly.

"We went to the forest and we're ambushed by Hunters. They got Mom, but we made into the Crescent pack territory except they are under the control of the Blood Moon pack. The Alphas are crazy and ignore werewolf law, making us prisoners. Emma managed to find our grandparent's house and we are here, laying low. Mom told us to go to our fathers for help, but I really don't want to," I told him.

Josh sighed, "You have to. I know the Hunters who probably took your mom. It's the original Hunter base."

I frown, "What the fuck does that mean?"

He groans, "It means that this is the group that we can't take on. If we did, Ava would kill us because the casualties would be too high for this situation. Now I know why she made us take a magical oath." 

"Really?" I complain.

Chris' voice came over the phone, "Ava is unique. We can't break it, not without her permission. You will have to go to your fathers'. It's the only loop-hole I can think of." 

I nod despite the fact they can't see me, "That sounds good."

Josh sighs loudly, "I wish we could do more."

I think about it before telling him, "But if it's the loop-hole, why would Mom willingly send us to them?"

Chris seems stumped, "I have no idea."

Josh curses, "Motherfucking shit! She assumed that your fathers will want to keep you and Jackson safe because you are their heirs. The first born are always more powerful."

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