Chapter 22

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Ethan's P.O.V.

The moment I saw her I was in shock. My wolf was yelling at me something I never thought I would hear this early, "MATE! GO TO MATE!"

I listen to my wolf without thinking and I can feel my brother doin the same. We push past our mother who is looking at our beautiful mate. When we reach her, Jackson and I put our heads in the crook of her neck and breather in her delicious scent.

No one in the room moves.

Blake is the first to react, "No way in hell is my little girl mated already!"

He reaches forward to grab our mate who I assume is his daughter, but Jackson and I growl possessively. We clutch our mate even closer. 

Alice tells her mate, "Honey, that's a bad idea. They are Alpha wolves who have just found their mate. They know nothing about her, so any male around her would be a bad idea."

I hear someone walk around us. I look up only to see a 15 year old boy, carrying a five year old girl. I glare at them as they walk past us. The two go up to Alice.

The boy says, "Mom, is Auriel all right?"

Auriel is the name of our mate. What a beautiful name, suitable for a such a beautiful wolf. Conversation continues around us, but I am focused on our mate. I stare at her, drinking in every feature. I see her mouth forming the word, mate over and over. 

Then, she starts shaking. I don't know why, so I only hold her tighter. 

I hear Alice say, "Oh my God, Blake, she is having another panic attack."

Emma answers, "I will deal with it."

She approaches us with no fear and all the adults hold their breath. What they don't understand is that my wolf trusts Emma with our life, our mate. Even if she is not an identical triplet like us, we have a trust beyond understanding. 

Emma puts a hand on Jackson and I's shoulders. Even in the midst of her panic attack, Auriel growls at a female touching her mate. 

Emma reassures her, "I am their sister. Ethan, Jackson, I need you to let me get to Auriel, okay? Go sit on the couch and I will bring her to you. Everyone else is going to go to the other side of the room."

When Emma gives orders, everyone obeys. I detach myself from my mate, my wolf whimpering at the loss of contact of their mate. We walk to the couch and sit down.

I see Emma wrap her arms around Auriel's small frame which is still shaking. Emma whispers something in her ear and Auriel calms down immediately. 

Emma turns back out, "Which person was the fucking idiot who didn't realize that Auriel has been going through?"

Everyone looks at each other confused, not understanding. Emma sighs like we are all idiots. 

She says really slowly like we are stupid, "Auriel met the boys when she was five or something when we rescued her from the rogues. She was then separated from them just after a traumatic event in her life. It is killing her. That is the problem. Now I repeat my question who was the fucking idiot who can't read the signs of a mating depression?"

Silence is in the room. Emma releases her hold on Auriel who runs to us. Jackson and I are glad that she craves our touch too. We clutch our precious mate close to us. 

I hear Emma stomping around the room, but my focus is all on the woman in front of me. What has happened to her that makes her so afraid? Why did my brother and I only come too late? We didn't protect her.

Only then does Emma's yelling get to my ears, "MOM, I expected you to notice the sign of a premature mate bond! At least Ethan and Jackson had each other. Auriel had no one to fall back on. Alice and Blake, I expected you to recognize the signs of her mating depression or to bring her to someone to recognize them! RYDER AND ASHER, you are the Alphas and this is something you should notice. BEN, I expected you to try and help your sister. I know that she shows all the signs and you learn about this in wolf school!"

I can't help myself and I smile. Only Emma would be like this. Everyone mumbles apologies and she sends them out of the room before following herself.

I back up a little away from Auriel, "What is your name, sweetheart?" I already knew her name, but I wanted to hear her say it.

"Auriel," she tells me. Her voice is as beautiful as the rest of her. "And you?"

"I am Ethan, this is my twin Jackson. The girl earlier was Emma. We are actually triplets."

Auriel tilts her head confused, "I have two mates?"

I smile, "Yes, just Jackson and I. Emma is not an identical triplet. As you can see, she has quite the personality."

That makes her laugh, "I haven't seen someone so easily command five high-ranking wolves without so much of a complaint."

Jackson smiles at her, "That's our Emma. Auriel, are you okay with the idea of having two mates?"

I glare at him for even suggesting she would reject us. I wouldn't let her. I saw what rejection did to mom and it hurts both of us.

Auriel looks at her feet and wringes her hands, "I am more worried that you would reject me. Who would want a broken wolf?"

I explode, "We would never reject you! How can you even think that! You are not broken!" 

Immediately I felt mad as I saw Auriel recoil away from me. Jackson hugs her into his body as he glares at me.

Through the mind-link, he yells at me, "IDIOT! Did you even listen to Emma? Auriel was kidnapped by rogues as a toddler and tortured. The incident cut off most of her connection with her wolf. In most packs, that is a disgrace to be a wolf without being able to shift. I wonder if the fact she cannot speak to her wolf has anything to do with the fact we met when we were young, but were separated."

I focus on Auriel, "Mate, I am so sorry. I didn't mean to scare you, I would never hurt you or leave you."

Auriel sniffles and my heart breaks for how much she has suffered, "You are our future Alphas, I am a broken she-wolf."

I yank her into my chest and stare into her eyes, "I could never look at another woman after you. I would do anything for you, you are our other half. Look at me."

She looks up and I crash my lips to hers. She gasps in shock at the action, giving me entrance deepen the kiss. Jackson steps in behind her, holding her up as her knees give out under the pleasure. He trails kisses down her collarbone as all three of us lose ourselves in pleasure.

I don't know how long we kissed. I was never going to stop if I could.

At least, I wasn't until Emma stormed the room, "I see your problems are sorted out. Since your dearest mate is sixteen, I would appreciate that you wait a little before making me an aunt. Now, I am taking Auriel and getting to know my new sister." She walks over and grabs Auriel. 

I mouth at her playfully, "Cockblocker." Emma shrugs. If anyone else had burst in here, I would have attacked them, at least my wolf would have. Since Emma was my triplet, she was no threat to my wolf because we trusted her with our mate.

Emma walked out with Auriel. I think some distance might help Jackson and I not claim her so soon. 

I know I just met, but I already love my mate, my Auriel.


I decided Emma will find her mate in the sequel, The Smith Organization. I wanted Ethan and Jackson to have someone in this book. 

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