2. I Know Where

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"Hey!" I shout at Blue.

He doesn't stop. He's good at pretending to not hear people.

I run to his side, a little out of breath.

"Hey," I tell him again.

He doesn't say anything, or even look at me. He looks taller and bigger up close like this. And I think I smell a fresh scent from him – guess he didn't even sweat from all those lethal moves he pulled before.

"That was pretty cool, man," I praise him with a wide grin.

He's still marching forward, ignoring me. I don't mind. Someone who can fight like that can have an attitude.

"Are you alright?" I ask, knowing very well that he is but hoping he might answer.

He doesn't. He takes a left turn and I follow him. I realize I'm walking at the opposite direction to my house.

"Where are you going?" I ask him.

He stops. I stop, too – abruptly – almost letting slip my grocery bag when it swung.

"What do you want?" he asks, turning to me.

We're right opposite a big street lamp across the street. Its yellow light falls on his whole face, letting me see it in high definition.

He's very handsome. His dark piercing eyes match his dark, smooth, slightly wavy hair. His sharp nose reflects the light in one straight line and a harsh shadow is cast under his well defined jawline. His thin lips look stern.

His low, clear and strong voice matches his appearance.

"I was just making sure you're okay," I lie.

"I'm fine. You can leave now," he says while sounding a little irritated.

"I'm walking this way, too," I lie again.

He looks away, visibly annoyed with me.

"Fine. Go then," he says pointing his hand forward the street as if he's giving me directions.

I don't move. "We can go together," I tell him.

"Look, I don't know what your deal is. Stop following me," he says with the last sentence carrying a longer pause between words for emphasis.

"I told you I'm going this way, too."

"Then leave," he says, and his already raised hand gestures me to leave again.

"But I want to walk with you."

He closes his eyes and I sense a bit of anger brewing inside him. He opens his eyes back and says, "Listen, I'm not interested in you. Stop bothering me if you don't want to get hurt like those guys." The irritation in his voice is replaced by artificial meanness.

I smile and say, "No, you won't hurt a poor girl like me. Don't worry, I'm not hitting on you. I just want us to be friends."

Irked, Blue presses his lips together tighter than they already were. He opens his mouth to say something when his phone rings.

He groans, looking at the screen, and slides it on. He brings it to his ear and immediately says, "Tommy, I'm right around the corner. Will be there in a minute."

I hide my smile.

He puts his phone back in his jeans pocket, throws me a warning glare and hurriedly walks away.

I give him a little head start before following him.

He takes a right and walks into Tommy's Workshop, a mechanic shed.

I get in, too, and see him talking to a short, plump, bearded man near a black car. I don't know much about cars but that one looks like a hybrid of a classic and sports car. I think that's Blue's, as he's looking under its open hood.

"Hi! How can I help you?" I hear a tall guy wearing a grey jumpsuit covered in grease ask me.

I say, "Nothing. I'm with him," pointing to Blue.

"Oh, you're his friend?" he asks, a little surprised.

I nod.

"Hey, Sawyer, change the left rear tire," shouts the plump guy to the guy talking to me.

I look at Blue and seeing me, he crosses his hands with a frown on his face. I smile wide at him and follow Sawyer to them.

"Who's that?" asks the short guy to Sawyer, referring to me.

"She's his friend."

"Oh, I didn't know you came with a friend this time," says the short guy to Blue.

"She's not my friend, Tommy," Blue says, firmly.

"Then, your girlfriend?" Tommy asks, turning to me and grinning from ear to ear.

I laugh as Blue looks at the back of Tommy's head like he wants to drill a hole through it.

"No, no. I'm just an acquaintance," I tell him.

"That's a shame," Tommy says, still flashing that thousand watt smile.

"It's done," Sawyer says, after changing the tire.

Blue shakes Tommy's hand and thanks him before getting in his car. I quickly go to him and ask him through the window, "Hey, what's your name? Want to exchange numbers? I swear, I only want to be your friend."

Blue turns the key, changes the gear, accelerates, and leaves the workshop in his car without looking at me.

I feel hurt. He would be a great friend. He's very much like James. It's okay, though. I'll find him again. I know where he takes his car for repairs.

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