19. It's The Truth

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I'm not talking much to the guys. I still sit with them in lunch, though.

I'm so depressed at our situation.

I want things to go back to how they were before. I don't want to be angry at any of them, not even Blue.

But they're all acting like it's my fault. I don't like that. They make me feel like I don't belong in our group. That I'm still an outsider.

When the school is over on Friday I'm walking out and Harris walks with me. He says, "let's hangout in the bar tomorrow."

I say I don't want to and he tries to convince me.

As soon as we step out of the building I see a tall boy, about the same height as Blue. His dark brown hair, black eyes and that cheesy smile are all very familiar to me.

"James!" I run and hug him. Normally, I'm not a hugger. But I'm so happy now! It hasn't been six seconds since I've seen him and I already feel invincible.

He picks me up and revolves with equal enthusiasm. After he puts me down, I punch his arm and say, "why didn't you say you were coming?"

"That's how surprise works," he says.

Harris, Tim and George come to us. Blue and Asher stay behind.

I introduce James to the three and then point him to the two guys at the back and say, "that's Blue and Asher."

James knows the physical description of both. I know he knows which one is Blue.

Blue looks angry. Good. He should be. He was mad at me for trying to make him a stand in for James. Now he'll know no one can fill James's shoes for me.

"Hmm," says James thoughtfully.

"So, you're here to see Dayna?" asks Harris.

"Yeah," says James putting his hand over my shoulder. I smile wide at him and give him a partial hug.

"You know, we were thinking of going to a bar tomorrow. Would you like to join us?" asks Harris.

I throw Harris a glare but he ignores it. I'm about to reject his offer on behalf of James when James says, "I would love to, thanks!"

It's James's turn to bear my glare now. He just looks at me and smiles. My glares never work on him. In fact, I think my glares don't work on anyone.

We both leave the school for home. He's staying in my house. I talk with him till late night and then till evening the next day. Time just flies when I'm with him.

He's a busybody, so there's always something to catch up with him.

In the evening, we go to the bar. James being James, spares no time to start flirting with Mary. Mary seems to be impressed with his skills. Asher is not happy.

But I am. It's been a while since I've seen James hit on a girl. It was a daily occurrence that I witnessed back in my old school.

Mary leaves us and James gets into a lively conversation with the guys. Except for with Blue, who shows an open disinterest at James.

"She looks very happy that you're here," says Harris to James. I smile proudly at James.

"Yeah, well, that's why I came," says James looking at me. "My girlfriend needed me."

I do something that I almost never do, roll my eyes. I know he's just trying to rile Blue up. I think that's silly, till I see Blue's reaction.

His indifferent eyes are now alert as he looks at me for answers. I look away.

"What do you mean girlfriend? You both are dating?" asks George in surprise.

I lean forward to say no when James pulls me back and says, "yeah. We're kind of on and off."

I look at James squinting my eyes. What's on and off?

"Don't lie. She said you're like a brother to her," snaps Asher.

I can't believe Asher took it seriously.

"Is that what you told them?" says James pulling me closer to him. I nod. "Why? You don't want them to know we slept together?"

A loud thud shakes the table. Blue has put down his beer bottle and has now pulled James away from his seat by his collar.

I immediately step between the two and Asher and George pull Blue away.

"What are you doing?!" I shout at Blue.

"What am I doing? What the fuck is he doing with his hands all over you? And what the fuck he means by you slept together?"

My mind tries to comprehend which one of his questions made sense. James hardly touched me and there's no way anyone in their right mind could've missed that James was joking.

But clearly there's one such person.

I reply, "are you out of your mind? We—"

"So?" James cuts me off. "So what if I slept with her?"

I really want to punch James for taking this too far. Blue looks hurt and seems to be struggling to believe James or not.

I feel like he'll storm out any second and with him will go out my hope of going back to being friends with him ever again.

But he doesn't leave. Instead, Blue looks straight at me and says, "then sleep with me, too. Didn't you want me to be just like James to you? Then let me fuck you, too."

I feel myself going numb. James steps forward to pounce at Blue, but Harris punches his friend before that happens.

"Stop it, Michael!" says Harris.

"Why? Did you not see them? How else you expect me to react?" shouts back Blue.

"Not like this! Even if they're together, you don't speak to her like this!"

"They're not together! They can't be!" Blue looks at me with angry and panicky eyes. He reminds me of Ashley from that day when she went crazy on me.

"Michael, please! That's enough!" says George.

"No! She's not his! She is mine! She can't leave me!" says Blue.

I want to shout some profanities at him for talking like that about me but my heart breaks into pieces when I see Blue's eyes glistening. I've never seen him this weak.

"I lied, Michael. There's nothing like that between us," says James calmly beside me.

Blue looks at him and seems to be trying to decide again if he wants to believe James or not.

"It's the truth. She's like a sister to me," says James.

"Why did you lie?" asks Blue.

"Because I wanted you to suffer. You don't know how much pain you caused her. Just because she rejected you, you walked away from her, leaving her alone. You've any idea how she felt because of that? After abandoning her like that what right you have to say she is yours?" asks James.

Blue looks away, his anger now mixed with some guilt.

"What's happening?" says Mary who has just arrived at the scene of the fight between my old and new best friends.

James holds my wrist and takes me away after apologising to Mary like a gentleman. I let him. And honestly, I finally feel happy. Happy that someone took my side and made Blue see how much he hurt me by walking away from our friendship like that.

We're done, my foot!


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