22. Date Me

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"Why didn't you tell me?" Blue asks as he comes near me. I keep looking at the floor.

"You never gave me a chance to," I tell him. I can sense him getting upset.

He sighs. "You know what? You're right. That day, when you rejected me, I got angry, and didn't give you any option but to argue back with me. I'm sorry.

It doesn't matter now. There was nothing between me and Ashley. Like Mary said, she is a psychopath who was using my brother.

Don't let her fool you into thinking otherwise.

If anything, I only wish she'd gotten hurt more.

Do you understand?"

I nod, still looking at the floor.

"Good. Now that we've cleared that," he says and comes closer to me. His legs touch my knees. "Will you date me?"

I run my hand through my hair. "Seriously, Blue? That's what's important to you now?"

"Yes. I'm not postponing this anymore. This is driving me crazy. After using a really bad excuse like that to reject me, you owe me this.

Date me."

After a moment of silence, I ask him a little annoyed, "do I have to?"

"Yes," he firmly says.

After taking a minute to prepare myself, I nod.

He holds my hand, bends down, kisses my left cheek and says while smiling, "good."

I resist the urge to take my hand away and let him hold it.

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