Chapter Seven:

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A/N: sorry I haven't posted on Friday, I really wanted to, but I have a lot of work (and will have, at least till the end of this month) so I'm going to try my best to update weekly.


Zach's POV:

It's been over a week since I snapped at Brian.

He hasn't tried to speak to me since then.

I mean he still insists to seat next to me at lunch.

And to stare at me whenever he can in class.

But not a single word. Not even a "hey".

Not that I care. As I said to him, we're never going to be friends.

It just annoys me,

His constant presence around me.

He and Olivia became such good pals in the past week.

This is what annoys me the most.

I guess since I won't be his friend, he's gonna try and steal my friends, like how ridiculous. As if he didn't make me suffer enough.


I called Olivia and invited her to my house and made sure she'll come.

We usually stay at her huge house, you know, with the pool and all,

But I suggested we're gonna stay at mine for a change.

All it needed was a little begging and some puppy eyes and some whining about how she ditched me for Brian.

So, of course, she said she'll come.

Not before she dared to ask if she can invite Brian as well.

Like hell he's gonna step into my house.


So as I was laying in my bed with her, just watching some Netflix and actually chilling, Olivia decided to go all detective on me;

"So... why do you hate Brian so much?"

"seriously? Why do I hate a guy who bullied me ever since we started high school for no reason at all? I wonder..."

"no, I get it, but you know..."

"I really don't know...?"

"I mean, he said sorry, he wants to make things right, and you know, be friends with you"

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