AM and anger

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Holy shizzle sticks we hit 200 reads




But we shallst move on with the story. Thank you all so much I am so fudging happy.


Everything was soft and warm. You looked up at the golden sunlight that streamed across the ceiling, bathing everything in a beautiful glow. Strange, you didn't really get much sunlight in your room in the morning, your window faced North.


The memories of what happened yesterday hit you like a truck hitting a brick wall. You tried to sit up, but you were prevented from doing so by the two arms that were draped across your stomach.

You looked sideways to see Taehyung sprawled across the sheets beside you, and Jimin on the other side. The latter groaned quietly at your movement, and he sat up slowly, pushing his messy hair out of his face. He was wearing only a loose t-shirt and sweatpants, but managed to still look incredibly hot, the material was hanging down on his top, exposing his collarbones. Taehyung still hadn't stirred.

"Good morning", Jimin said, smirking at you, clearly amused by you not being able to move. He leaned forward into your neck and inhaled deeply. "Holy crap", he mumbled. "I want some". You froze, not sure what to do.

Your salvation came in the form of the beautiful vampire beside you, who suddenly tightened his grip and pulled you into his chest, away from Jimin's fangs, which had grown long and sharp.

"Hands off my baby Park Jimin", he mumbled sleepily, to which Jimin snorted in reply.

"Your baby?", he questioned. "I think you'll find she is all of ours". Taehyung laughed quietly, cuddling you closer. "Maybe", he hummed in agreement. "But you can't touch her yet. I'm just looking after her". His voice was so deep, a part of you wanted to listen to it all day. But.

"Oh my God", you gasped suddenly. "My mom", you said frantically. "She'll be worried sick".

You wriggled out of Taehyung's grasp, and cast your eyes around. "My phone", you whispered to yourself. You looked up to see Jimin holding it out towards you, a small smile gracing his lips. "There's no need to worry", he said smoothly. "We sent a message to your mother, telling her you were staying with a friend as it was too far to walk home when it was so late", he narrowed his eyes at you. "Which you should have done anyway". You felt a small spark of annoyance at his almost condescending tone. 

"Don't tell me what to do", you glared, curling your lips. "You don't have a clue".

Suzie lived way out of town, she had to drive, so walking there was out of the question. She was your only friend, but your mom didn't know that. Your dad cleared out a long time ago, leaving you and your mom to fend for yourselves. Your mom worked way too many long hours in an attempt to pay the rent, she wasn't able to give you a lift. You didn't want to add to her problems by telling her you were being bullied, she had enough to worry about.

Jimin glared back in an attempt to intimidate you, but you held your gaze. "Bold of you to assume I would be able to do that", you said coldly, taking your phone. His gaze turned from one of annoyance to confusion. "What?".

"I have to go", you said haltingly. You turned to Taehyung, who was watching everything with curiosity. "Thank you so so much", you said sincerely, he smiled in response. "No problem", he purred. "I'll see you soon baby". You started at his comment, but brushed it off. You turned to leave, but was stopped by Taehyung's voice once more. Oh God, you thought, will they not let me go? 

"Take the next right, then left", he called out calmly. "The stairs lead to the front door".

You nodded hurriedly and left, quickly finding the stairs and running out the door.

-Third person POV-

"You let her go?", Jimin yelled in frustration as soon as you left. "After she talked to me like that?".

"Yes", Taehyung shrugged. Jimin rolled his eyes. "So we let her leave just like that?".

"Of course not", he smiled lazily, his fangs pushing into his rosy bottom lip as he chuckled. "We're obviously going to follow her. I'm not letting her go anytime soon".


Hewwo, how are y'all?

Bit of controversy in the fam for you I guess :)

Don't forget to vote and especially comment!

Peace out, uwu

Thirsty (Vampire BTS x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now