Dancing and Distractions

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Ayyyyyyyyyyy whaddup

(posted a chapter yesterday, in case you didn't see :)

I'll tell you when to play the video btw


Hoseok was clearly trying and failing to stop laughing as you frantically wrapped and re-wrapped your scarf to try and hide the damage Taehyung had done to your neck as much as possible.

"This is all your fault", you hissed, adjusting the fabric for the 50 millionth time. "If you hadn't let Taehyung do whatever the hell he wanted, I wouldn't have all these hickeys".

You would never admit that you enjoyed it, just a little bit.

But of course, Hoseok had his freaky sixth sense, so he knew anyway. He gave you a knowing grin. 

"I wouldn't have let him if I knew you weren't going to like at all, but something told me you might", he grinned, flashing his pearly white fangs. Fuck him.

"Let's go, I wanna show you something", he gave you a genuine smile this time, his lips forming into a heart shape. Looking at him, it was impossible to imagine him as a savage demon the way the old lady described.

He began walking, his long legs easily creating a huge difference between you in mere seconds. You had to run like a hooligan to catch up.

"Slow down", you panted once you reached him, clutching your knees and gasping for air.



"You only ran 10 meters, you really shouldn't be this out of breath".

You gave him a sheepish grin, but it turned to a yelp as he reached down and picked you up, cradling you close to his body.

"Hold on tight", he leaned down to whisper in your ear. "You weren't fully conscious the last time you did this, brace yourself".

He was running, yes.

But it felt like you were flying.

You let out an unintentional shriek of delight as the main street became nothing but a blur of light and colour. The wind was whipping through your hair, making it come loose from its ponytail and cascade out behind you.

You had never felt so alive, and the burden that was always on your shoulders lifted at the sensation of pure joy and adrenaline. You had the biggest smile that you had adorned in a very long time, you couldn't remember the last time you had been this happy.

You were laughing with ecstasy, and Hoseok was laughing too, probably at your idiocy, but you didn't care. For once, you didn't care about anything. It felt like the problems had temporarily melted away along with your surroundings.

You sighed when he slowed down and eventually came to a stop. He put you down gently. You hesitated, before wrapping your arms around his waist.

"Thank you", you whispered into his chest. He stiffened in surprise, before returning the embrace, cuddling you into him.

"Anytime darling", he said sweetly, threading his fingers through your hair soothingly. "But let's go, I have something special planned".

He lead you into what seemed to be a small warehouse. You finally took notice of where you were, the building seemed to be surrounded by a forest. You were slightly nervous, until he turned on the lights, revealing a slightly old looking, but still perfectly usable dance studio.

"This is where I go to take my mind off things", he said softly, appearing in front of you like an apparition as soft piano music filled the room. "And I think that's exactly what you need. Come here".

(play music now uwu)

He slid his arm around your waist and used his free hand to lace his fingers with yours. He carefully pulled you close to him, and began to sway you both from side to side, moving on to taking small steps back and forth.

You were never able to dance, but dancing with Hoseok felt as natural as breathing. You didn't even have to think as he lead you in a simple waltz, twirling you around every now and again. 

He was right, you did need to take your mind off everything, and this was perfect. It was like being wrapped in a bubble of warmth and comfort. You felt peaceful, and you felt safe.

You couldn't resist smiling as he dipped you gracefully, his beautiful grin giving you butterflies. He never let go or dropped you, his grip was firm and steady.

He slowed down little by little, until you were back to swaying gently once more. He hugged you closer, burying his head in your shoulder.

"Mmm, may I, dearest y/n?", he asked. You nodded, you didn't mind, which surprised you slightly.

He kissed your neck lightly before biting.

Oh Lord, this was a whole different level of bliss. Hoseok's energy filled you like a ray of sunlight, drenching you in warmth. You sighed and leaned against him as he drank for a few more seconds. He licked the bite mark and left one more peck before pulling away.

"We should get you home darling", he whispered.

He took you back the same way you came, but it wasn't as exhilarating this time, you felt so warm and relaxed. It was still enjoyable though.

He had placed you on your bed, and was going to walk away, but you grabbed his wrist.

"Can you stay while I sleep?", you didn't look at him while you asked. You were terrified to sleep again after what happened last night. You didn't need to tell him, you knew he knew.

"Anything for you", he smiled, flopping onto the bed beside you and wrapping his arm around your waist. He kissed your forehead, and your temples, making you blush.

"Sleep my darling", he murmured, sweeping a stray hair off your face with his index finger. He tilted your chin up and kissed you softly. 

"I'll protect you".


Not gonna lie, I feel so soft right now

Vote and comment, tell me what you think :)

Peace out uwuwuwuwuwu

Thirsty (Vampire BTS x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon