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Leo sacrificed himself to save me. I didn't do anything. I was frozen. He was dead. Dead because of me. Because I got distracted. Because I wasn't fast enough. 

Everyone stood still, holding their breaths. I laid stupefied, not being able to waver my gaze off him. 

----------------Leo's funeral------------------

I was very struck because I felt guilt, worthlessness and a huge pain in my heart. I had eaten little, slept little, talked little. However, Calypso was even worse. She hadn't slept, talked, or eaten altogether. She had spent these days locked up in her cabin, crying her heart out.

All of us were there. Torches were lit around the place, the stars glowed dimly. No one showed a smile, no one joked.
His coffin was great and shiny, made of celestial bronze. It had the Hephaestus' sign and on top of it there was a blanket in which his tool belt and his design of the Argo II laid. Everyone said a few words, except me. I couldn't bring myself to do it. All I wanted to say was that I was guilty, that I could've stopped it, that it was my fault. I felt deep remorse.

Annabeth gripped my hand and forced me to look into her stormy grey eyes. 

"It wasn't your fault." She whispered. She knew me too well, but it was my fault. I let go of her hand and walked away- I didn't want anyone to see me like this. I couldn't.

This was a very short chapter, I know. But the next one(s)'ll be longer, I promise. 

The best food in the world, 


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