The hero

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The last chapter of this book! Enjoy and don't forget this isn't over! Also notice that that was Percy telling what happened. So now it's in the present.

That is why I am saying all of this things. I've lost everything. My friends. And I don't know what happened to Camp Half-Blood or Camp Jupiter or Sally and Paul.

My hate my life. It would've been so much simpler to never been born. At all. I wouldn't have to suffer all of this. I wouldn't have such a terrible fate. No one around me would die. I wouldn't die.

But I can't simply pretend I was never been born, can I?

I walked on, god dammit with the dam Prophecy of the Lost. Whilst I dragged my feet to my death, memories triggered back. When Leo was bloody in front of me. He sacrificed himself for ME. When Calypso was found dead, because of ME. When Hazel was dead because of ME. When Frank fell to his death because of ME. When Piper died because of ME. When Jason died because of ME.

When Annabeth died of my inability to save her. Because of ME.

Then flashbacks of Gabe. Of the abuse. Of everyday going to school all covered in my clothes so that no would notice the bruises, the scars and the blood. Faking a smile. Pretending I was alright. Being thrown empty beer bottles at. Being punched, kicked and gossiped about. Not being able to do what normal kids did. Being unhappy. Sad. Worthless.

I then pass out.

------------When I wake up later-------------

"You have finally woken up!" A voice, too loud for my ears, booms.

"Wha-What?" I'm utterly confused. Then I see it. Schist. I'm dead.

"I'm only here to tell you that you're gonna be dead!" He announced.

Guess who it is? Tartarus. Tartarus in his new form. To thou with new form. Tartarus in his mortal form.

"I-" What can I say?

"Don't worry!" He exclaims all too cheery. What on Earth happened to the Tartarus everyone knows? But he then turns serious.

"You'll die without family, friends or love. You'll die alone. You already are. You can't help it. You'll die weak, worthless. You won't die like a hero. But like a murderer and someone who couldn't even save himself." He sneers. There is the Tartarus everyone knows.

He grabs the handle of his scythe. Then he swings it at me. But I still am not dead.

"I'm thinking..." Tartarus says, "I want you to meet a little friend of yours from when you were little."

And then...

Gabe appears.

"Hey, Brain Boy." He grins.

"I-I-I w-was a-a m-missing y-y-you!" I stutter.

"Well, let me tell you your future. You'll die and go the Fields of Asphodels. You'll remember everything. You'll want the pain to stop. But you can't." The great father of the Gods says, "And I've got better things to do than to even talk to someone as useless as you. Tell yourself you're sorry."

The strike comes. And I can't stop it. But everyone else was dead because of me. I deserve this. I close my eyes and wait for it.


Percy is finally dead! YAY!!! He was the character I meant to kill since the begging. But don't worry. As I said before, this isn't over.

The best food in the world,


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