The blond guy

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Guess who the blond guy is?

How. How did I managed to kill those whom I loved? How?

We walked on, as the Prophecy said. Even though, it was more because we wanted to survive. We were now terribly skinny- I felt like passing out at any moment. At times, my vision would turn blurry and I'd feel my legs buckle under me.

"Percy..." Annabeth barely whispered before falling.

"Annabeth!" I caught her mid-fall, "Are you alright?" She didn't response. She was probably dehydrated and starving. I laid her down on the ground softly. I couldn't do anything. That was what scared me most. Schist.

I talked to her, tried to wake her up. I cried. If she didn't wake up... No. She won't, I thought. A heard a crack behind me and instantly turned around.

"What do you want?" I growled. I wasn't in mood of being nice. At least Sally wouldn't know.

"Percy..." Jason appeared out of nowhere. He was deathly pale and his stapler scar shined bright yellow. His eyes were dull marine blue.

"Percy..." He dropped dead in a second.

"Jason!" I rushed over to him. But when I was just about to get to him, he turned into gold dust. Like when monsters died. But he wasn't a monster. How? What?

I felt empty. But then I remembered.

"ANNABETH!" I screamed her name and ran to where I had left her. She had her eyes opened and she was breathing, but... Her eyes called nothing else than death.

"Annabeth." I sobbed and beg her to not die, to stay with me.

"Please, Annabeth! I promised! I promised you to never leave you!"

"Percy... You're not breaking your promise. I am." She stopped to cough. Her voice was weak and I felt her grip on my hand loosen quickly.

"Percy..." She trailed off and finally went completely limp.

"Annabeth..." I cried my heart out. SHE WAS DEAD.



I couldn't save her.


So... Please don't kill me for doing that. Well, you can't. Haha. But I've got my reason to do this. Also, I'm still not finished.

The best food in the world,


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