i'm your brother, your coat of armour

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you'd been alone the past few nights. your fiancé, ethan had walked out after a petty argument over the wedding. you knew you were in the wrong but no matter what you said, you thought the worst for your relationship.
you sat on your sofa, arms folded, phone off, watching the office on the tv. you knew you wasn't healing, you didn't find anything in the show even remotely funny. you wanted your love to walk through the door but you knew he wouldn't.
four rapid but heavy knocks sounded at your front door and with a brief idea of hesitation, you dragged yourself to open it.
the rain battered down and a storm was on its way in but george stood looking at you.

'come in, come in.'

you rushed to get your almost brother-in-law out of the cold. he wiped his feet and slipped his wellies off, leaving them by the door. he followed you through to the kitchen where you had the kettle on without even asking.

'ethan isn't far behind me. he had to pick up a few things on the way.'

you stopped in your tracks, looked to george with watering eyes but a forming smile.

'you brought him back to me?'

'of course.'

'but why? shouldn't you take his side?'

'he's my brother, and you're my family too, no matter if it's blood or emotion. i'd do anything for the pair of you. you need each other.'

you disregarded george's drenched state and hugged him, thanking him quietly for his effort to recuperate his brother and his brother's lover.

george ezra imagines - HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now