Chapter Three: Cliché Movies And Conspiracy Theories

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WILL HAD JUST OPENED THE GATE when the wind was knocked out of him. A figure had hurled itself onto him and he struggled to maintain his balance. Their dog was barking excitedly, licking him and Shay in turns.

"Come on, boy. We weren't out for that long," Will said, but that just made the jumping and licking even more intense. Will fondly thought of the day when they found Leo. A young golden retriever had been tied to a pole, shivering terribly. He couldn't imagine what kind of person would abandon their pet. Shay who was very fond of animals had brought him home.

He had a lot of love for the four-legged, tail-wagging creature in front of him. Ever since Leo had come into their life, he managed to keep both of them happy. If he saw anyone unhappy, he would roam around them in circles to get their attention and would lick them until they push him away, laughing.

Will and Shay knelt in front of Leo, staring into his mesmerizing brown eyes. Will patted Leo, and Leo tackled him again. This time, he surrendered, letting Leo have it his way. Shay had brought Leo his food and Leo tackled it with the same amount of enthusiasm.

All of them made way towards the door and the door opened even before Will had removed his key. His father and Jessica stood there, beaming at both of them.

Will talked to his dad about his day while Jessica hugged her daughter, pushing a stray lock of hair behind Shay's ear with quick motherly precision. Jessica then approached Will and ruffled his hair with a grin on her face. His mother and Jessica were the only two people who Will let touch his hair. It did irritate him, but he stood there as she mussed his hair, both Shay and his dad watching in amusement.

It was Jessica's and Will's turn to watch in amusement as Nick pulled Shay's cheek with affection. Soon, they were eating their dinner, Nick beside Will and Shay and Jessica opposite to them. Will savoured the tasty dishes Jessica made when Will's dad spoke up.

"So, are you excited about tomorrow?"

Shay started telling about the plans she had for the coming days, while all of them listened carefully. Both Nick and Jessica were journalists and sometimes, they had to go to their surrounding Isles to gather news. This time, both of them were certain that it would take at least one month for them to return and suggested that Will and Shay could have their best friends stay over and give them company until they return.

Theo, Jade, Kai, and Rose had no trouble convincing their parents. Everyone's parents knew each other very well and understood Nick's and Jessica's problems. And it might have also been with the fact that all their parents had collectively refused to send their children to some excursion, and this was their way of paying back to their children. Will would miss his father but was happy that his best friends would live with them for a month.

Will caught Nick's eye who smiled sadly. He had never seen the ear to ear grin that his father reserved only for his mother since her death, and the mischievous spark in his green eyes had never been restored.

Will's and Shay's parents had been friends since their time in high school. Even after getting married, they never lost touch. Their families stayed close to each other, and their parents had the same occupation: journalists. All of them worked in the same company, and Will and Shay knew each other since they were kids. Will's mothers' and Shay's dad's deaths were a day apart and Will not only lost his own mother but a fatherly figure in his life too.

It was hard for all of them. Nick lost both his wife and his best friend, Jessica lost her husband and her best friend. Will and Shay lost one of their parent and a parental figure in their lives. All of them were like zombies when it happened, staring blankly at the ceiling, everyone refusing to eat.

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