Chapter Eight: You Never Knew It? It's fine, Now You Know

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HE PUT A HAND AGAINST HIS FOREHEAD AND SIGHED. Will couldn't believe it. He looked weary as he stared at the supermarket they've reached. It was the dreaded day of grocery shopping. For everyone, it might seem like a pretty easy task, but it wasn't for him when his friends accompanied him.

Sure, he loved all of them a lot, but he prayed they would go away. Bringing them to a supermarket was like bringing a zoo. It would end badly and, it's absolute hell.

Will had specifically set an alarm and woke early to go alone and get it over with. But his best friends were weird. During weekdays when they have school, Will wakes them up. But today, which was a weekend, a holiday, they chose to wake up early in the morning.

Everyone were snoring except Shay, who was tossing fitfully in her sleep when he left them. Instead of driving a car, he walked the distance to the market. He avoided cars at any cost just as Shay avoided hospitals. He refused to drive them, though he was okay with riding them.

Will had felt anxious as he had walked in long strides, feeling as if someone would come armed with an injection and plunge it into his neck because of the secret he now possessed.

If he were to tell anyone about what they discovered, they might not necessarily believe him. And if he showed them the proof by pointing to the autopsies, it meant he had successfully guaranteed himself a free cell in the jail. Jails were rarely used in Blackwood. He remembered the central jail of Blackwood which used to be located in the outskirts, had burned down to ashes. People refused to pass by that land, believing it was somehow cursed.

Crimes rarely occurred in Blackwood, used to. So, crimes were looked upon darkly in The Royal Isles. When Will had discovered the truth two days ago, Will and his friends also discussed the possibility that someone inside the system, someone inside the government was helping whoever was doing this. So telling the truth was off the plate for now.

Will had narrowed his eyes when he saw a familiar car speeding in front of him as he walked briskly, and it came to a halt in front of him. The door had been thrown open and Kai's blond head had poked out of the window, beckoning him.

He sighed now as they ran into the supermarket excitedly, massaging his aching temples.

He shared a horrified look with Rose and ran a hand down his face when he saw Kai pushing a shopping cart with Theo inside it. He freaked out as Kai pushed it real fast, afraid that it might crash. Jade stood in front of the path of the cart, and Will breathed out in relief.

Oh, god. Thank you, Jade.

Again, Will watched in horror as all of them split up and grabbed every sickening thing they could find as they threw it into the cart. He sighed as he grabbed a silver wheeled cart and rolled it down the aisle. Will took a peek at the contents of their carts which were piling up into a heap every second.

He threw a thankful look at Shay who was removing unhealthy and unnecessary food items out of the cart, a tendency of a sports person. Will went to the vegetable aisle instead, where unsurprisingly, his friends weren't visible.

What's the point of eating veggies when we can always order pizza? They would tell him.

Will almost dropped the handful of vegetables he was holding when he looked at the three carts they have filled, the fourth one almost full. Shay was nowhere to be seen, he suspected she saw a cat and went to pet it. Rose was not visible either, and he knew that she went to the bookshop opposite this store.

Jade wasn't here either, Will looked in the direction of the store beside him which sold video games. He was left alone, with Theo and Kai. He felt betrayed. It was hard to control them alone. So Will had no choice but to scare them.

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